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Full tool stack for Geo-Visualization (based on Sim-City Stack) using docker files and docker-compose.

The goal of this stack is to set up a demo infrastructure of the sim-city stack, using it is not meant for production deployment!

First, install docker and docker-compose.

Put your simulation scripts in the simcity-slurm/simulations/ directory with their respective .json description in the simcity-webservice/simulations/ directory. Resource description should be on the simcity-webservice/resources/ directory. Check the documentation for more information on adding simulations to the system.

Then, run a test infrastructure with

docker-compose up --build

The sim-city frontend is now available on http://localhost:8008/.

Commonsense is running on localhost:3003. The sim-city-webservice is now available on localhost/explore/ There is a CouchDB database running for tasks jobs on on localhost/couchdb/ A webdav server is running on localhost/webdav/

These parts are strung together using nginx that is also running in a docker container.

Finally, a slurm cluster is running to run simulations.

The Docker Components


This docker container runs the front end.


This docker hosts the simcity-webservice. The simulations directory is copied into the docker when it is built. Changing the files in this directory therefore requires rebuilding the docker image.

The sim-city-webservice docker is accessible over SSH on port 30022 (user simcity, password simcity).


This docker hosts a slurm cluster with 2 nodes. The simulations directory is copied into the docker when it is built into /home/xenon/simulations. Changing the files in this directory therefore requires rebuilding the docker image.

It is running an toned down version of ubuntu 14.04. All simulations are run as the xenon user. If your simulation depends on certain software add it to the Dockerfile.

The slurm docker is accessible over SSH on port 10022 (user xenon, password javagat).


This docker hosts the couchdb. It is a standard couchdb install with a little local configuration. It runs on port 5784 with user simcityadmin, password simcity


This docker hosts a webdav server on port 8080. The user is webdav with password vadbew


This docker hosts the nginx http server. Its configuration links the different docker components together. It also hosts static content on localhost/www/. You can add your own static content in the www directory, which gets copied into the docker image when it is built.