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Developer Portal

Mike Schwartz edited this page Aug 16, 2018 · 19 revisions

There is customer demand for a developer portal that allows developers to self-service their clients in the Gluu OP. This would enable developers to perform basic CRUD operations for their clients. They could also request additional scopes. For example, by default, dynamically registered clients only get the openid and uma_protection scope. The developer may want to request the profile scope as well. The only process for this currently is to manually request the OP admin to grant the client additional scopes. A streamlined and repeatable process for handling this type of developer request to the OP admin would be very useful.

The design is really important, with very thorough consideration of approvals and auditing



Casa Role

  • Developer - An authenticated person who can register clients and request additional scopes.
  • Administrator - A person who can manage scope requests on behalf of an organization.

OpenID scopes / claims

The scope and claim which convey the Casa Role should be configurable.

The Gluu Server admin would have to make sure that this scope existed, the claim was associated with it, and that Casa was authorized to request this scope.

Client expiration

Casa should display the client expiration date in red if it is less then 30 days. Admins should also get a request to approve client extensions requests.


The database layer should be abstracted, with different implementations possible.

The first persistence implementation should be LDAP.

  • We should update gluuPerson objectclass to add the attribute "oxAssociatedClient", which should reference the DN of the client. Casa should then lookup the respective client.

  • We could add an attribute called casaPendingRequests to the oxAuthClient that contains a JSON object that contains the details of the request. For example: {"sub":"[email protected]", "scopes":["profile","email"]} or {"sub":"[email protected]", "expiration":"12/31/19"} for an extension request. Casa could then search ou=clients,o=(org-inum),o=gluu for casaPendingRequests=*


As Casa is the portal for approval of requests (originally I was thinking oxTrust), we can handle everything internally. I don't think we need messaging after all.

Use cases

Name Actor Use Case
Create OP client Developer 1. Developer logs into Gluu Casa
2. Developer clicks Developer portal tab
2. Developer fills client form
3. Developer saves client
4. Client is created in OP
View OP client list Developer 1. Developer logs into Gluu Casa
2. Developer clicks Developer portal tab
2. By default Developer sees list of owned clients
View OP client details Developer 1. Developer logs into Gluu Casa
2. Developer clicks Developer portal tab
2. Developer clicks on client name
3. Developer can see details about client (Should it contain the same data as OP Client view from CE?)
Edit OP client Developer 1. Developer logs into Gluu Casa
2. Developer clicks Developer portal tab
2. Developer clicks on client edit icon
3. Developer can change the client data (should it be the same as in CE?)
3. Data is changed in CE
Delete OP client Developer 1. Developer logs into Gluu Casa
2. Developer clicks Developer portal tab
2. Developer clicks on client edit icon
3. Client is deleted in CE
Scope requesting Developer 1. Developer logs into Gluu Casa
2. Developer clicks Developer portal tab
2. Developer clicks on client edit icon
3. Developer clicks on scope request button
4. Developer selects scopes from list and accepts
5. Request appears in pending request list, Administrator is notified (all of Administrators?)
5. After approval client gets the scopes
Scope manual approval Administrator 1. Administrator logs into Gluu Casa
2. Administrator clicks Developer portal tab
2. Administrator clicks on pending requests
3. Administrator sees requests list with client details, Developer details and requested scopes and buttons to accept/reject.
4. In case of rejection Administrator has to fill reason field which is forwarded to Developer
5.Request disappears form list, Developer is notified (email)
Admin scope accept script Administrator 1. Administrator logs into Gluu Casa
2. Administrator clicks Developer portal tab
2. Administrator clicks on accepting scripts list
3. Administrator can enter custom script (language?), per scope (group of scopes) which returns True/False
4. Script is executed each time assigned scope is requested.

Client values to edit

Client field Access Updatable
Inum READ No
Client Name: WRITE YES
Client Description: WRITE YES
Client Secret: WRITE YES
Application Type: WRITE YES
Pre-Authorization: WRITE YES
Persist Client Authorizations: WRITE YES
Terms of Service URI: WRITE YES
Sector Identifier URI: WRITE YES
Subject Type: WRITE Approval
JWS alg Algorithm for signing the ID Token: WRITE YES
JWE alg Algorithm for encrypting the ID Token: WRITE YES
JWE enc Algorithm for encrypting the ID Token: WRITE YES
JWS alg Algorithm for signing the UserInfo Responses: WRITE YES
JWE alg Algorithm for encrypting the UserInfo Responses: WRITE YES
JWE enc Algorithm for encrypting the UserInfo Responses: WRITE YES
JWS alg Algorithm for signing Request Objects: WRITE YES
JWE alg Algorithm for encrypting Request Objects: WRITE YES
JWE enc Algorithm for encrypting Request Objects: WRITE YES
Authentication method for the Token Endpoint: WRITE YES
JWS alg Algorithm for Authentication method to Token Endpoint: WRITE YES
Default Maximum Authentication Age: WRITE YES
Require Auth Time: WRITE YES
Redirect Login URIs: WRITE YES
Post Logout Redirect URIs: WRITE YES
Claim Redirect URIs: WRITE YES
Scopes: WRITE Approval
Individually Requested Claims: WRITE Approval
Response Types: WRITE YES
Grant Types: WRITE YES
Contacts: WRITE YES
Authorized JavaScript Origins: WRITE YES
Front Channel Logout URI: WRITE YES
Logout Session Required: WRITE YES
Include Claims In Id Token: WRITE YES
Refresh Token Lifetime: WRITE Approval
oxd Id: READ No
Disabled: Write Approval
Client's Registration Expires: Write Approval