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Flag Map (0x02000040) (WIP)

Salanewt edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 1 revision

02000040 = Storybook Flag List

000 - 1FF = General Data that includes practically everything you could use anywhere in the game (Character/Djinn flags, etc.).

000-0FF = Save

000-007 = PC Acquisition
010-01C = Summon Tablet Acquisition

020 = GS1: If on: Field: Young Isaac / Young Garet
021 = GS1: If on: Field: Young Isaac wears Machete; Adult Isaac is transparent. (Battles require wearing the Machete.)
022 = Overworld music toggle. 0 = Default, 1 = Reunion, which also disables your ability to transfer data from GS1.
02C = GBA Link
02D = Password
02E = Hard mode
02F = Updated
030-07F = Djinn Acquisition: At least one Djinni flag is required to use the Battle Arena.
080-0DF = Djinn Encounter; hides Djinn that have not been acquired until the room is reloaded and the flag is cleared (i.e. ran from battle).

100-15F = Misc/Unknowns

100 =
101 =
102 =
103 = 07F (?)
104 =
105 =
106 =
107 = Disables normal menus (A/Select, and Start button (A.k.a. Pause menu) screens, but not debug menus; also disables psynergy shortcuts.
108 =
109 = Set when a map is being returned to without a reload, e.g. when exiting a battle and returning to the previous position. Applies tiles based on 0200294C list. Used with maps that have cyclone bushes. If flag is off during loading a map (not set in map code init), then no tiles get applied/number of entries set to 0.
10A =
10B =
10C =
10D =
10E =
10F = You have a forgeable item when talking to the Forge NPC (item IDs are hard-coded in map code).
110-113 = Elemental PP Regen (battle): Recovers 4 PP at the end of a round, depending on the character's innate element; Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, respectively. Cleared when you switch areas.
11B = Music never changes when you switch rooms.
11C = "This places doesn't seem to appear on the map." (Map specific)
11D = ?
11E = "This places doesn't seem to appear on the map." (Is this position-specific/auto-updates?)
11F = [Unknown, but gets refreshed while transitioning rooms.]
120-12F = Room transition.
120 = Up stairs animation after going through a door.
121 = Down stairs animation after going through a door.
122 = Fall from ceiling animation after going through a door.
123 = Set if current room is town. Related to the Retreat ability, but not what disables Retreat. (Cleared on room change, but set if byte x3 is 2 for a room entry at #080F17A8. "02" disables Retreat.)
12F = Show Area’s name on room entry. ; Seems to be set directly after Area flags are cleared. (x300-3FF); but is soon after unset. (Not sure when, yet.) ASM: #080C9C92
13E = Sanctum Warped (From Start+L on file load)
13F = Sanctum Warped (From corrupt file. (Just second portion corrupt?) When [02000244]!=[02001000] (frame counters))
140-14F = Psynergy Use
140 = Utility flag: 0=Not Interaction/Not-interaction; 1=Interaction/Non-interaction
141 = Utility flag: 0=Non-interaction; 1=Interaction
144 = Disables Retreat.
146 =
147 = Ship Hover?
148-14F = When a flag is on, forces a specific hue shift when using a field>

150 - 17F = Debug and Situational Menu Alteration Features.

150 = Disable item menu? Always seems to turn itself on when opening a menu though, so flag is not static.
15E = GS1: If Debug mode enabled, will play sound effect 0x87 when 03001810 table is low on FFs (why?).
15F = Disable random battles. (May make it so that when function 080C9FD8 is called, it starts a battle without the counter check. Not sure if game ever uses it this way?)
160 = Disable random battles. (Manual reset?)
161 = Disable random battles. (Room-based reset)
163 = Requires Debug mode, I think Disables battle encounters, warps, etc. (You cannot climb up vines, move pillars, etc.) You get free-movement on the world map (Navigating over mountains and oceans.)
166 =
167 = Boosts Encounters? (Set if one of the party members has an item that boosts encounters.)
168 =
169 = (Battle related) Turns on for first battle / not sure if ever turns off?
16A = Should be battle related. - Results in freezing, so probably unused?
16B = Should be battle related. - Whether enemies are flipped or not. (facing left or right)
16C = Link Arena Flag - Sets battle theme x4F and is cleared when switching rooms. (0=Battles can have up to 6 enemies? ; 1=Up to 3 enemies?)
16D = Requires Debug mode, I think In battle, during the attack sequence, you can press R to destroy all the enemies. Do this with Select pressed and it'll destroy your party.
16E = On battle encounter do djinni tutorial; also end fight without rewards sequence.
170 =
172 = A line appears between Piers and the other three on the Status screen. (Battle Arena Multiplayer related?)
173 = Battle Arena (For stepping in the circle & clearing enemy flags for enemies that don't appear in the arena)
174 = Should be battle related. (Enemy Groups related: 0= Returns NEG 2 if any enemy in battle was never defeated; 1=Get average levels for all enemies in battle.)
175 = Alternate music during the Echo djinn tutorial. (Set when you hold UP after leaving Daila.)
176 = On ship during World Map. (Flag used in music table.)- Sets/clears on room change. (Note: 020004B6 is read.)
17C = "Cannot save here" when trying to save.
17D = "This is no place for that!" when trying to save. (Only if flag 17C is off.)
17E = Link Lobby Flag - "The Pause Menu is not available now." / Can’t use Psynergy. (Cleared when switching rooms.)
17F = GS1: Isaac can run faster. (Hold B.) - Requires Debug Mode ; GS2: Your ship moves faster at Sea of Time.

180 - 1FF = Area/Entrance Flags, set when you visit the entrance room of an area. This is used for the World Map Screen (R button on World Map).
See Table: 080F1140

200-3FF = Volatile Flags; these are context-dependent and reset to 0 when a room/area is reloaded.

200-2FF = Room-based flag bank, reset when switching between rooms (currently loaded map).

300-3FF = Area-based flag bank, reset when switching between areas (one map within an associated collection).

400 - 7FF = First-Done Flags. Very narrow focus, but are used for specific situations.

400-41F = Shop flags. Each flag is set when you visit a shop for the first time; prevents artifacts from being added with every repeat visit.

420-5FF = Probably unused?

600-782? = Enemy flags. These are set on first-kill of an enemy. Each enemy has a flag. (?) I will need to look into this...

783?-7FF = Probably unused?

800 - ??? = Story Flags (Cutscenes/etc.); The end of this section has not been determined, but it at least goes to around A80.

800-81B = Isaac and co.'s djinn; these are populated when you get to the screen that you name Isaac on (assumed that they are updated whenever the Update Password feature is used).
81C =
81D =
81E = Purpose?
81F = Unused?
820 = GS1 Event Transfer:
821 = GS1 Event Transfer:
822 = GS1 Event Transfer:
823 = GS1 Event Transfer:
824 = GS1 Event Transfer:
825 = GS1 Event Transfer: Vault Thieves
826 = ? (checked during the Cyclone Chip cutscene in Madra)
827-83F = Unused?
840 = 35 – DEKAN01: Dehkan Plateau (Statue moved for shortcut).
841 = 36 – DEKAN02: Dehkan Plateau (Statue moved for shortcut).
842 = 21 – KANDO_O: Kandorean Temple (Bush blocking doorway).
843 = Daila: Talked to northwest NPC
844 = Idejima: Check yourself for injuries cutscene played.
845 =
846 =
847 = Daila: Talked to Sanctum Healer
848 = 22 – KANDO_E: Kandorean Temple (Entrance cutscene.)
849 = 22 – KANDO_E: Kandorean Temple (Lash Pebble cutscene (before))
Note: Allows you to leave through entrance door.
84A = 22 – KANDO_E: Kandorean Temple (Lash Pebble cutscene (after)) (Lash Pebble retrieved/so does not show up on msp.)
84B = Daila: Alex cutscene played. (Douse Puddles map. Must not have played Madra’s entrance cutscene; must not have Piers.)
84C = 25 – KAIJIN03: Shrine of the Sea God (Statue moved for shortcut.)
84D =
84E =
84F =
850 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene (For treasure)
851 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene
852 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene (For treasure)
853 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene
854 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene (For treasure)
855 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene
856 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene
857 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Scene
858 = 82- AYERES01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Stone Scene (Passage on wall.)
859 =
85A =
85B =
85C =
85D =
85E =
85F = 83- AYERES02: Air's Rock: Statue moved
860 = 83- AYERES02: Air's Rock: Statue moved
861 = 83- AYERES02: Air's Rock: Statue moved
862 = 83- AYERES02: Air's Rock: Statue moved
863 = Idejima: Kraden has joined your party.
864 = Idejima: Jenna joined your party.
865 = Idejima: Sheba joined your party.
866 =
867 = Idejima: Trying to leave cutscene.
868 =
869 = See Kibombo
86A =
86B =
86C = 35 – DEKAN01: Dehkan Plateau (Cannon (Djinni) escaping cutscene 1).
86D = 35 – DEKAN01: Dehkan Plateau (Cannon (Djinni) escaping cutscene 2).
86E = 36 – DEKAN02: Dehkan Plateau (Cannon (Djinni) escaping cutscene 3).
86F = 36 – DEKAN02: Dehkan Plateau (Cannon (Djinni) escaping cutscene 4).
870 = 36 – DEKAN02: Dehkan Plateau (Cannon (Djinni) escaping cutscene 5).
871 = 38 – DJ_DKN01: Dehkan Plateau (Cannon (Djinni) escaping cutscene 6).
872 = 23 – KAIJIN01: Shrine of the Sea God (Riki and Tavi 1)(Cannon escaping cutscene 2).
873 = Set after throwing the rope for Tavi/Riki cutscene ; Daila flooded (0) ; Daila cleaned up (1)(Cannon escaping cutscene 2).
874 = 25 – KAIJIN03: Shrine of the Sea God (Breath (Djinni) escaping cutscene 1).
875 = 25 – KAIJIN03: Shrine of the Sea God (Breath (Djinni) escaping cutscene 2).
876 = 27 – KAIJIN05: Shrine of the Sea God (Breath (Djinni) escaping cutscene 3) (When under bridge).
877 = 27 – KAIJIN05: Shrine of the Sea God (Breath (Djinni) escaping cutscene 4) (When on bridge).
878 = 38 – DJ_DKN01: Dehkan Plateau (Retrieved Pound Cube.)
879 = 84- AYERES03: Air's Rock: Statue moved.
87A = 84- AYERES03: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Stone Scene (Passage on wall.)
87B = 84- AYERES03: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Stone Scene (Passage in ground.)
87C = 27 – KAIJIN05: Shrine of the Sea God (Breath (Djinni) escaping cutscene 5).
87D =
87E =
87F =
880 =
881 =
882 =
883 =
884 =
885 =
886 =
887 = 83- AYERES02: Air's Rock: Statue moved
889 = Yampi Desert (70:4): King Scorpion running under sand 1.
889 = Yampi Desert (71:1): King Scorpion running under sand 2.
88A = Yampi Desert (71:3): King Scorpion running under sand 3.
88B = Yampi Desert (71:3): King Scorpion ready for battle.
88C = Yampi Desert (71:3): King Scorpion defeated.
890 = 4 – V_ENT: Venus Lighthouse (Soldiers cutscene.)
891 = 4 – V_ENT: Venus Lighthouse (Birds cutscene. Entering)
892 = 4 – V_ENT: Venus Lighthouse (Birds cutscene. Exiting)
893 = 4 – V_ENT: Venus Lighthouse (Ruffian 1)
894 = 6 – SHR_M14: Suhalla Gate (Ruffian 2)
895 = 7 – SHR_M23: Suhalla Gate (Ruffian 3, 4, 5)
896 = 8 – SHR_M56: Suhalla Gate (Punch Ant)
897 = 86- AR_IN02: Air's Rock: Statue moved (east)
898 = 86- AR_IN02: Air's Rock: Statue moved (west)
899 = 86- AR_IN02: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Stone Scene
89A = 85- AR_IN01: Air's Rock: Whirlwind Stone Scene
89B = ?
89C = ?
89D = ?
89E = ?
89F = 86- AR_IN02: Air's Rock: Visited inside.

Eastern Alhafra
8A0 = East crate moved into water
8A1 = West crate moved into water
8A2 = Pound pillar
8A3 = Lash rope
8A4 = West cog moved into water
8A5 = East cog moved into water
8A6 = Log pushed into water
8A7 = Burst rock - Isaac, the Pirate King! (96:25) (Cutscene can be done.) - Guards disappear from in front of castle until Briggs escapes.
8A8 =
8A9 =
8AA =
8AB = 45- MDROOM01: Madra: Piers freed from jail (Set after defeating Briggs, also drains puddles in Alhafra).
8AC =
8AD =
8AE =
8AF =

8C0 =
8C1 =
8C2 =
8C3 =
8C4 =
8C5 =
8C6 =
8C7 = Shrine of the Sea God: Obtained Right Prong. (Trident piece.)
8C8 = Madra Catacombs - Pillar moved in place (47:3)
8C9 = Madra Catacombs - Door opened (52:1)
8CA = Madra Catacombs - Pillar moved (47:5)
8CB =
8CC =
8CD = Gabomba Statue…
8CE =
8CF =
8D0 =
8D1 = Air's Rock (Inside; Statue moved 2 units south.)
8D2 =
8D3 =
8D4 = 89- AR_IN05: Air's Rock: Sheba learned Reveal.

8D5 = Magma Rock Shortcut pillar moved (Entrance map, near top)
8D6 = Magma Rock Shortcut pillar moved (Near entrance)
8D7 = Magma Rock Shortcut pillar moved (224:3)
8D8 = Magma Rock Shortcut pillar moved (224:7)
8D9 = Magma Rock Shortcut pillar moved (224:9)
8DA = Magma Rock Shortcut pillar moved (224:14)
8DB = Magma Rock Shortcut pillar moved (224:14) Further down.
8DC = <br> 8DD= Poseidon Cutscene<br>8DE= Ship acquired.<br>8DF` = Ship has wings.

8E0 =
8E1 =
8E2 =
8E3 =
8E4 =
8E5 =
8E6 =
8E7 =
8E8 =
8E9 =
8EA =
8EB =
8EC =
8ED =
8EE =
8EF = Kibombo overworld darkness?

8F0 = 68- YANPI02: Yampi Desert: NPC Group Cutscene.
8F1 = See Kibombo
8F2 = See Kibombo
8F3 = See Kibombo
8F4 = ? (Got Piers Flag #1)
8F5 =
8F6 = Gabomba Statue: Puzzle Explanation at top. (121:1)
8F7 =
8F8 =
8F9 =
8FA =
8FB =
8FC =
8FD =
8FE =
8FF = 44- OTMP0005: Madra: Karst's appearance. (When is this set?)

900 =
901 =
902 =
903 = Isaac, the Pirate King! (Alhafra) (96:25) (Cutscene done.)
904 =
905 = Eastern Alhafra - Burst boulder destroyed
906 =
907 = Ship Docked - Warp back to Lemuria Dock when exiting boat cabin; If 9B4 is on, destination is Atteka Inlet; if both off, East Indra Shore).
908 =
909 =

Northern Reaches
90A = May represent having gotten the cannon from Loho.
90B =
90C = Glacier spotted cutscene.
90D = About to fire at Glacier cutscene. (But can be backed out of.)
90E = Magma ball used on glacier. (268:4)

90F = (Spoke to guards in front of Alhafra Palace - Briggs escaped dialogue.)
910 = 44- OTMP0005: Madra: Entrance cutscene
911 = 45- MDROOM01: Madra: Piers in jail cutscene.
912 = ?
913 = 44- OTMP0005: Madra: After exiting jail house from jail scene. Permission to cross drawbridge into Osenia.
914 =
915 =
916 = 53- OSE_ST: Madra Drawbridge: Cutscene with bridge guards has been seen.
917 =
918 = Cyclone Chip Received
919 = ? (Set in Garoh)
91A = ?
91B = Night to Daytime (After Maha Night cutscene)
91C = ?
91D = 63- POPEE5: Garoh: Werewolf child runs away cutscene
91E = 63- POPEE5: Garoh: Werewolf Maha cutscene. (Night)
91F = 63- POPEE5: Garoh: Werewolf Maha cutscene. (Day)

920 =
921 =
922 =
923 =
924 =
925 =
926 =
927 = Serpent defeated (used to control Serpent room state)
928 =
929 =
92A =
92B =
92C =
92D =
92E = Piers in party (nighttime Kibombo)
92F = Piers waiting (nighttime Kibombo)

Lemurian Ship - Aqua Jellies; Post-Fight Puddle Spawning
930 = (40:3)
931 = (40:5)
932 = (under bridge) (40:25)
933 = (left most) (40:25)
934 = (bottom left) (40:25)
935 = (center/middle) (40:25)
936 = (right middle) (40:25)
937 = (bottom right) (40:25)
938 = (40:29)
939 = (40:29)
93A = ?
93B = (40:29)
93C = (40:29)
93D = ? (Not sure if used?)
93E = ?
93F = Aquahydra defeated (Lemurian Ship boss) (41:2)

Tundaria Tower
942 = Parch used on left lake (207:2)
943 = Parch used on right lake (207:2)
944 = Broke cracked ice (Center prong) (207:11)
945 = Picked up Center Prong (207:11)
946 = Moved pillar (211:2)
947 = Moved pillar (211:2)
948 = Use Burst on wall (212:2)
949 = Got Burst Brooch from Tundaria Tower
94A =
94B = Used Burst on ice wall (211:5)

Shaman Village
94C = Shaman Village - Sheba uses Whirlwind on Whirlwind stone making sand disappear - onward to Trial Road.
94D = Shaman Village - You can enter tents now.
94E =
94F = Trying to go in Moapa’s house causes cutscene instead.

950 =
951 =
952 =
953 =
954 =
955 =
956 =
957 =
958 =
959 =

Aqua Rock
95A = Pillar moved in place (160:1)
95B = Pillar moved in place (160:3)
95C = Pillar moved in place (161:4)
95D = Aquarius Stone used on Pedastal (162:4)
95E = Causes the man to comment on the Douse stone in Apojii (Gets turned off after)
95F = Douse used on the stone in Apojii

960 =
961 =
962 =
963 =
964 = Curscene right before Lemuria Palace.
965 =
966 =
967 =
968 =
969 =
96A =
96B = If on and leaving Lemuria, cutscene plays while ship sails out. (Flag also turned off.)
96C =
96D =
96E =
96F =

970 =
971 =
972 =
973 =
974 = Champa: Agreed with Obaba to leave
975 = Champa: 1 prong given
976 = Champa: 2 prongs given
977 = Champa: 3 prongs given
978 =
979 =
97A =
97B =
97C =
97D =
97E = Avimander defeated
97F = Champa: Triggers Avimander boss battle

980 =
981 = Madra: Cutscene inside mayor’s house with family before stepping outside
982 = Lemurian Ship (Allows access to final room.)
983 = Lemurian Ship (Final room cutscene.)
984 =
985 = 43 – REM_SHIP01: East Indra Shore (Lemurian Ship cutscene where Piers opens the door.)
986 =
987 =
988 =
989 = Madra: Cyclone Chip is in jar (if inventory is full); flag is set when cutscene with mayor’s family finishes, but before stepping outside
98A =
98B =
98C =
98D =
98E = Madra: Cutscene where the mayor gives the Cyclone Chip
98F =

Ankohl Ruins
990 = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (189:3)
991 = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (189:4)
992 = Whirlwind vines removed (189:2)
993 = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (189:2)
994 = Whirlwind vines removed (189:2)
995 = Whirlwind vines removed (189:22)
996 = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (189:29)
997 = Whirlwind vines removed (189:7)
998 = Whirlwind vines removed (189:7)
999 = Whirlwind vines removed (189:9)
99A = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway/stairs) (189:33)
99B = Whirlwind vines removed (189:8)
99C = Whirlwind vines removed (189:8)
99D = Whirlwind vines removed (189:32)
99E = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (190:11)
99F = Whirlwind vines removed (190:11)
9A0 = Whirlwind vines removed (190:10)
9A1 = Whirlwind vines removed (192:4)
9A2 = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (192:5)
9A3 = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (192:6)
9A4 = Whirlwind vines removed (192:6)
9A5 = Whirlwind vines removed (192:11)
9A6 = Whirlwind vines removed (192:11)
9A7 = Whirlwind vines removed (Reveals doorway) (192:11)

Shaman Village Cave
9A8 = Moved shortcut pillar in place. (240:8)
9A9 = Whirlwind Vine (240:2)
9AA =

9AB = Talked with Susa outside Gaia Rock
9AC = Susa tried to attack Serpent
9AD =
9AE = Piers obtained Parch from Aqua Rock

9B4 = 234 – ATK_IRIE: Atteka Inlet (Set on room entry); Lemurian Ship and wings. - So you warp back here when exiting ship cabin.

9BA = Felix learns Sand at Gaia Rock
9BB = Star Magician defeated

9C0 = “Parents are gone” cutscene (271:4, executed at top of stairs to the right.) 9C1 = Waiting for Agatio at north end of town. 9C2 = Plan for Felix and co. to light the lighthouse cutscene. (Further north/before exiting Prox)

(Not sure if Prox flags or not?)
9C3 = (Not sure if used?)
9C4 = ?
9C5 = ? (I know if this is on/then the ending events at bottom of Prox can be executed.)

9C6 = Ankhol Ruins - Shortcut pillar moved (for Sand) (189:30)
9C7 = Ankhol Ruins - Shortcut pillar moved (for Sand) (191:5) - Well, not shortcut, but opens to a chest.
9C8 = Ankhol Ruins - Shortcut pillar moved (climbing vine) (192:13)
9C9 = Ankhol Ruins - Shortcut pillar moved (climbing vine) (192:8)
9CA = Ankhol Ruins - Shortcut pillar moved (for Sand) (192:6)
9CB = Ankhol Ruins - Shortcut pillar moved (for Sand) (193:6)
9CC = (Not sure if used?)

9CD =
9CE =
9CF =
9D0 = Reunion
9D1 =

Ankohl Ruins - Statue piece removed from statue head
9D2 = #1
9D3 = #2
9D4 = #3
9D5 = ? (Unknown, but could be 0 since #4 is removed from head by default?)
9D6 = #5
9D7 = #6
9D8 = #7
9D9 = Left piece put in statue head (192:14)
9DA = Right piece put in statue head (192:15)
9DB = Right piece dropped from above floor (193:4 to 192:15)
9DC = Left piece put in statue head (190:17)
9DD = Right piece put in statue head (191:4)
9DE =
9DF =

9E0 = Trial Road tutorial cutscene played for first time.
9E1 = Gate disappears to Trial Road. (After going to Moapa’s house/showing Shaman’s Rod)
9E2 =
9E3 =
9E4 = (??? But should be for inside Lemurian Ship?)
9E5 =
9E6 =
9E7 =
9E8 =
9E9 =
9EA = Statue moved flag - Used Move on a pillar in Kibombo that causes Piers to join party. (114:5)
9EB =
9EC =
9ED = Shaman Village: Told Moapa (who is in his house after beating him) your names. (PC4-PC7)
9EE =
9EF = Madra Catacombs - Pillar with vine moved in place. (47:3)

Inner(?) Magma Rock
9F0 = Yellow-topped block moved in place to form path to other side - Uterus Room (227:5)
9F1 =
9F2 = Yellow-topped block moved in place (229:11)
9F3 = Yellow-topped block moved in place (229:11)
9F4 = Yellow-topped block moved in place (229:11)
9F5 = Yellow-topped block moved in place (231:5)
9F6 = Yellow-topped block moved in place (231:17)
9F7 = Yellow-topped block moved in place (232:10)
9F8 = Red rock blazing - Magama ball (232:5)
9F9 = Blue rock - Magma ball retrieved (232:5)
9FA = Jenna learns Blaze at Magma Rock
9FB =
9FC =
9FD =
9FE = Shaman Village: If on, Moapa appears in his house. (Moapa defeated?)
9FF =

A0A = Jupiter Lighthouse Left Archer Statue
A0B = Jupiter Lighthouse Right Archer Statue (toggling these alone won’t enable Isaac cutscenes)

A1F = Both Archer Statues activated (enables Isaac cutscenes)

A20 = Daila: Obtained Sea God’s Tear (12:1)
A21 = Lighthouse lit (enables reunion)
A22 = Alex Warps in (turned off when A23 is turned on)
A23 = Isaac is defeated
A24 = Garet & Mia fall cutscene (turned off when A23 is turned on)
A25 = Related to Alex??? (turned on when Alex appears and stays on, but toggling does nothing)

Mars Lighthouse
A2E = “Scale the Heavens” cutscene (287:2, cutscene on the stairs)
A2F =
A30 = Mars Lighthouse activated
A31 = “The Heavens Await” cutscene. (287:2 entrance cutscene)
A32 = NE Mars Peek (Venus) (296:1)
A33 = SW Mars Peek (Mercury) (296:2)
A34 = SE Mars Peek (Mars) (296:3)
A35 = NW Mars Peek (Jupiter) (296:4)
A36 = ?
A37 = ?
A38 = Shortcut Statue (295:6, go southeast) - Venus area
A39 = ? (Likely not Mars LH related)
A3A = ?
A3B = ?

A3D = ? (Not raining in Prox.)
A3E = Ice gone (280:3)
A3F = Giant ice gone (281:7)

A42 = Mini-dragon lights a flame on the (torch?) (292:2) - Mars area
A43 = Dragon statue blasts fireball at wall/forms a crack. (Cracked wall can be seen at 292:1) - Mars area
A44 = Burst left wall (292:1)
A45 = Burst right wall (292:1)
A46 = Burst center wall (292:1) (Flag 0xA43 required.)
A47 = Dragon statue blasts fireball in first inside room. (281:3/4)

A4B = Agatio/Karst dragons defeated

A50-A75 = ???
A76 = GS1 bandits scene outside Madra
A77 =
A78 = Winged Ship's First Flight/Sheba Closure Scene
A79-A7F = ???

Anemos Inner Sanctum flags.
A80 = Shortcut Statue 2 (304:2, or 304:3 if moving statue.)
A81 = Shortcut Statue 1 (304:7)
A82 = Shortcut Statue 3 (305:6, go left)
A83 = Statue (Statue near 305:15, button near 305:13)
A84 = Statue Mount (East) (305:12)
A85 = Statue Mount (South) (305:12)
A86 = Statue (306:5)
A87 = All Earth Djinn (303:99)
A88 = All Mercury Djinn (303:99)
A89 = All Mars Djinn (303:99)
A8A = All Jupiter Djinn (303:99)
A8B = Djinn Door Unlocked (303:99)
A8C = Summon Tablet: Charon (Event on stairs before obtaining it.)
A8D = Unused?
A8E = ?
A8F = 32- AR_IN08: Air's Rock: Statue moved (Statue seen from 92:1)

A9F = Dullahan defeated (Anemos Inner Sanctum)

AA1 = Quest: Milk given to dog for Li’l Turtle
AA2 = Quest: Reunited penguins and received Pretty Stone
AA3 = Quest: Red Cloth given to cow for Milk
AA4 = Quest: Pretty Stone given to bird for Red Cloth. (This affects mind read dialogue.)

E00 - FFF = Treasure Flags

Note: Section [likely] originally started at F00, but expanded because more flags were needed.
Treasure Table Guide (tab 1 documents flags): [GS2] Treasure Guide

E00 = Orihalcon (282:2)
E01 = Valkyrie Mail (284:7)
E02 = Sol Blade (285:1)
E03 = Psy Crystal (294:14)
E04 =
E05 = Dark Matter (306:2)
E06 =
E41 = Unknown
E50-E5F = World Map Equipment Or Hidden Items?
E5B = Rusty Axe (Captain's Axe) SE of Lemuria
E5C = Rusty Mace (Hagbone Mace) NE of Izumo
E5D = Rusty Sword (Pirate's Sabre) E of Tundaria Tower
E5E = Rusty Staff (Goblin's Rod) W of Kalt Island by waterfall.
E5F = Rusty Sword (Soul Brand) Western seas; surrounded by rocks. Ship w/ wings required.
E70 - E78 = Mimics
F00 - FFF = Treasure flags.
F00 = 5 – VT001: Venus Lighthouse (Herb)
F07 = 34 - DEKAN00: Dehkan Plateau ; Full Metal Vest
F08 = 34 - DEKAN00: Dehkan Plateau ; Elixer
F09 = 37 – DJ_DKN00: Dehkan Plateau ; Mint
F0A = 35 – DEKAN01: Dehkan Plateau ; Themis’ Axe
F0B = 36 – DEKAN02: Dehkan Plateau ; Nut

F13 = Apple (Madra Catacombs) (47:5, near rope coil.)
F14 = Lucky Medal (Madra Catacombs) (50:1)
F15 = Ruin Key (Requires 0x8CC/Tremor) (Madra Catacombs) (50:15)
F16 = Tremor Bit (Madra Catacombs) (52:2)

F24 = Apple (Alhafra Inn, 2nd floor, jar) (96:25)

F32 = Smoke Bomb (Air's Rock) (82:1, chest seen on screen)
F33 = Cookie (Air's Rock) (82:?)
F34 = Storm Brand (Air's Rock) (82:?)

F5D = Apple (Requires Catch) (Kalt Island) (219:1)

F75 = Apple (Gaia Rock) (176:1)

F80 = 196 – ANGKOR_T: Ankohl Ruins ; Left Prong

F94 = Cookie (East Indra Shore, box) (43:2)

F98 = Cookie (Taopo Swamp) (143:3)
FC2 = 218 - HESDJ: Hesperia Settlement (2) ; Coins

(Treasure Isle) FCD = 161 coins (298:3)
FCE = Lucky Medal (298:3)
FCF = Empty
FD0 = Empty
FD1 = Empty
FD2 = Empty
FD3 = Empty
FD4 = Empty
FD5 = Empty
FD6 = Empty
FD7 = Empty
FD8 = Empty
FD9 = 911 coins
FDA = Psy Crystal
FDB = Cookie
FDC = Sylph Feather
FDD = Rusty Axe
FDE = Star Dust
FDF = Jester's Armlet (300:1)
FE0 = Fire Brand (301:6, on screen)
FE1 = Iris Robe (301:4, on screen)

FE8 = Blue key (Jupiter Lighthouse; 261:13)

FFA = Cookie (Prox) (270:1) Jar in front of Inn.

FFD = Apple (Mars Lighthouse) (279:1)