Quicken the knowledge flow
Enable short tags on server
Run Database Script
Copy Files to WWW Root
Edit Variable/ Files
- Draft
- Publish
- Block
- Sent
- Block
- Approve
- A user can be VSTOR. It means, he/she can just see. Simply: Guest user!
- A user can be EDTOR; So, this verified user can send posts and edit them.
- ADMIN is the administrator! He/She can upgrade other users to EDTOR and block PUBLIC posts.
Posts will be shared between PUBLIC (VSTOR, EDTOR, ADMIN), a CIRCLE (contain people chosen by the user), or non-social network PRIVATE! (Don't share it if not needed)
Where should it be placed? that's what matters.
- A post can be a POST! Just like any other letter you write on your blog.
- There are keywords describing a post better. KWRD
- It can be a FILE. Updload your files and write a little description for them. Your users can download them easily.
- It can be a COMT. Comments are plain texts, maybe containing an attachement. These comments are depended to other posts.
- It can be a BOOK. Books can contain POSTs; then you can use the field
to change the view order. - QUST. About questions: Just write them down.
- ANSR. An answer. Users can answer the questions.
- CHAT. Chat will allow users to send short messages to each other. maybe for to check-out something or notice that to each other. They can use it for a healthy break, share ideas faster to have a better performance.
- If there is another language avaiable, TRNL will make translation available!
- Use this type of file content to upload user PROF (profile) pic.
- You can use LINK, it's your passport to the outside world!