Director: Mohammad R. Tayyebi [email protected]
apt install tasksel
tasksel install lamp-server
sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/html
cd /var/www/html
vi index.php
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
wget http://localhost/index.php
php --version
From file my.sql
> Download
Copy Core/Config.Sample.php
to Core/Config.php
then edit the Core/Config.php
also set baseurl
(website root) in static/js/config.js
Edit .htaccess for default .htpasswd file directory.
Then set the permissions to
chmod 644 .htaccess
chmod 644 .htpasswd
To create .htpasswd for the first time:
htpasswd -c /var/www/html/Sariab-V2/.htpasswd tayyebi
0- Install git from
1- Make a Fork of the repository
2- Clone the project on your machine
3- Change whatever you want
4- Commit your changes
5- Pull before push(Notice that you have to choose Pull From the main project.)
6- Push
7- Make a pull request
8- Tell us your notes
9- Your commits will be merged after review by developers of master branch
All related documentation is located at docs/.