目标检测是计算机视觉领域的一个基础任务和研究热点。YOLO(You Only Look Once)将目标检测概括 为一个回归问题,实现端到端的训练和检测,由于其良好的速度-精度平衡,近几年一直处于目标检测领域的领先 地位,被成功地研究、改进和应用到众多不同领域。该文对YOLO系列算法及其重要改进、应用进行了详细调 研。首先,系统的梳理了YOLO家族及重要改进,包含YOLOv1-v4,YOLOv5,Scaled-YOLOv4,YOLOR和最 新的YOLOX。然后,对YOLO中重要的基础网络,损失函数进行了详细的分析和总结。其次,依据不同的改进 思路或应用场景对YOLO算法进行了系统的分类归纳。例如,注意力机制,3D,航拍场景,边缘计算等。最后, 总结了YOLO的特点,并结合最新的文献分析可能的改进思路和研究趋势。
The YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm and its important improvement and application are investigated in detail. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation on the YOLO series algorithms, as well as their important improvement and applications. Firstly, this paper systematically combs the basic development process of the YOLO family and its important improvements are systematically reviewed, including YOLOv1-v4, YOLOv5, Scaled-YOLOv4, YOLOR, and the latest YOLOX. Then, detailed analyses and summaries of the backbone network module and the loss module are concluded, which play an important role in YOLO series. Next, the YOLO algorithms are systematically classified according to different improvement ideas or application scenarios. For example, attention mechanism, three dimensional scenes, aerial scenes, edge computing, etc. Finally, we summarize the characteristics of the YOLO series, and analyze the possible ideas for further improvement and research trends are analyzed based on the latest literature.
DOI: 10.11999/JEIT210790
邵延华, 张铎, 楚红雨, 张晓强, 饶云波. 基于深度学习的YOLO目标检测综述[J]. 电子与信息学报. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210790 shu
SHAO Yanhua, ZHANG Duo, CHU Hongyu, ZHANG Xiaoqiang, RAO Yunbo. A Review of YOLO Object Detection Based on Deep Learning[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210790
@articleInfo{210790, title = "基于深度学习的YOLO目标检测综述", journal = "电子与信息学报", volume = "44", number = "210790, pages = "1", year = "2022", note = "", issn = "1009-5896", doi = "10.11999/JEIT210790", url = "//article/id/dae079cf-663b-42d8-8408-11cf435b2138", author = "邵延华","张铎","楚红雨","张晓强","饶云波", keywords = "深度学习","卷积神经网络","目标检测","YOLO", }
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