This is a quick modification of tofi92's original Docker image to use OpenJK and JA++ (instead of the vanilla dedicated server and JK+ respectively).
Should work with vanilla/OpenJK/EternalJK clients.
!!You need the original asset files for this to work!!
Host your own Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy Server with JA++ preinstalled!
To start, copy the 4 assset files (asset0.pk3, asset1.pk3, asset2.pk3, asset3.pk3) files from the GameData/base folder of the game to any directory on your host, eg ~/ja/assets.
Optionally, create a new server.cfg in a different directory, eg ~/ja/japluscfg.
For config reference, download the server files at and check the readme!
docker run -d -p 29070:29070/udp -v ~/ja/assets/:/ja/assets/ --name jka_server tiffi/jka-japlus
This starts a server "server name" on the map mp/ffa5 for 14 players.
docker run -d -p 29070:29070/udp -v ~/ja/assets/:/ja/assets/ -v ~/ja/japluscfg/:/ja/japluscfg/ --name jka_server tiffi/jka-japlus
This starts a server with your custom config.
To connect to your server, you need to add the server IP to your favorites, as the original server browser is down.
- Container directory for assets: /ja/assets
- Container directory for server.cfg: /ja/japluscfg
- Exposes UDP port 29070. You can map this to any port, though you need to specify any different port when you add this server to your favorites.
Files used: