oqpi pronounced occupy is a header only concurrency library designed to be as easy to use as possible.
oqpi helps you reach that 100% core occupancy you're aiming for.
#include "oqpi.hpp"
// Define our toolkit
using oqpi_tk = oqpi::default_helpers;
int main()
// This will start a scheduler with a default workers configuration
// oqpi has 3 concepts for tasks:
// The first one is the unit task:
const auto taskHandle = oqpi_tk::schedule_task
, [] { std::cout << "Hello! I'm a unit task!" << std::endl; }
// The second one is the sequence:
const auto sequenceHandle = oqpi_tk::sequence_tasks<oqpi::task_type::waitable>
, oqpi_tk::make_task_item("Seq1", [] { std::cout << "Hello! "; })
, oqpi_tk::make_task_item("Seq2", [] { std::cout << "I am "; })
, oqpi_tk::make_task_item("Seq3", [] { std::cout << "a sequence!" << std::endl; })
// The third and last one is the fork (or the parallel group)
const auto forkHandle = oqpi_tk::fork_tasks<oqpi::task_type::waitable>
, oqpi_tk::make_task_item("Fork1", [] { std::cout << "Hello! "; })
, oqpi_tk::make_task_item("Fork2", [] { std::cout << "I am "; })
, oqpi_tk::make_task_item("Fork3", [] { std::cout << "a fork!" << std::endl; })
// Stops the workers and join the threads
Coming soon...