Our project, OpenEdu, targets equitable access to education by providing a platform for educators to create and set up plan templates for their school year based on the Common Core standards of education. Our app, in turn, allows students to access and learn material at their own pace which follows an educator's plan template, covering their potential weaknesses in their studies by reviewing core topics which require knowledge of prerequisite material.
To start the project on Windows, enter the git bash command line and cd into the project folder (OpenEdu) then cd into the client folder and execute the following commands:
npm install
npm install yarn
yarn start
To start the project on your Linux distro, after cloning and change directories into the client folder, execute the following commands in the terminal:
yarn start
To install yarn on Windows, Mac, or any linux distro, check https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#arch-stable
The commands should create a local page of our app at localhost:3000
To test our app, in our login screen, we have a set email address and password with the email: [email protected] password: password
yarn 1.12.1
node v11.0.0 (or any node v8+)
ruby 2.5.3
rails 5.1.6
Check if the version of yarn and used on your system is up to date with the version we're running on the app with the command:
(In the client folder)
yarn --version
node --version
(In the api folder)
ruby --version
rails --version