this is the branch EdisonKun_dev package for quadruped locomotion
first build and install kindr
build and install RBDL follow instructions in the corresponding floder;
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
then and .cmake file for cmake to find RBDL
cd usr/local/lib/cmake
sudo mkdir rbdl
sudo cp RBDLConfig.cmake /usr/local/lib/cmake/rbdl
- git clone other ROS dependence package AND run
- Bugs
- first build package >>free_gait_msgs
- then build package sim_assiants in simpledog_simulation
roslaunch simpledog quadruped_simulation.launch
roslaunch balance_controller balance_conoller_manager.launch
roslaunch free_gait_ros test.launch
roslaunch balance_controller rqt_interface.launch
After these step, there would be a gazebo simulation and a rqt interface.
- First, move the dog model and place it in the gazebo.
- Second, refresh the action collections, and send a sitdown action
- push the switch botton, if the robot move correctly, then it start normally; otherwise, push Back botton, the robot reset to the ground
- click Trot botton, the robot start torting, click stop, it stops troting, when torting, you can send cmd_vel msg to control the move.
- control panel in the right bottom can use to switch controller and controll single joint.
If use a interactive marker in RVIZ to send a single footstep goal;
instead launch the rqt_interface.launch , do:
roslaunch simpledog quadruped_interactive_marker.launch
when you launch the file for real robot, you actually connected to some EtherCAT driver, so you can use control panel to control motor via EtherCAT.