This repository documents the normalized count matrix generated in our proteomics study on human lymphoma (Phenomics 2023).
This matrix is a protein-by-sample matrix, containing 109 patient samples of different lymphoma subtypes (including B-NHL, T-NHL, lymphadenitis, tumor metastatic and non-neoplastic lymph node) and 2486 proteins, which were characterized by untargeted proteomics with DIA-MS.
For more information and citation:
DOI: (PMID: 37197640)
Ku, X.*, Wang, J.*, Li, H.*, Meng, C., Yu, F., Yu, W., Li, Z., Zhou, Z., Zhang, C., Hua, Y. and Yan, W., 2023. Proteomic portrait of human lymphoma reveals protein molecular fingerprint of disease specific subtypes and progression. Phenomics, 3(2), pp.148-166.