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+Add and test find_Kd_from_PE_chg
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  Added the new internal subroutine find_Kd_from_PE_chg inside of the
MOM_energetic_PBL module to directly calculate an increment in the diapycnal
diffusivity from an energy input.  This can be used when ePBL does not convert
released mean kinetic energy into turbulent kinetic energy (i.e., if
MKE_TO_TKE_EFFIC = 0.) and is more efficient than the more general iterative
approach.  To preserve old answers, this new option is only enabled for the
surface boundary layer when the new runtime parameter DIRECT_EPBL_MIXING_CALC is
set to true.  This new option can be tested passively by setting
EPBL_OPTIONS_DIFF to 3 in a run that uses ePBL.  By default all answers are
bitwise identical, but there is a new runtime parameter in some of the
MOM_parameter_doc files.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 3a6bfde commit c3b09f1
Showing 1 changed file with 215 additions and 1 deletion.
216 changes: 215 additions & 1 deletion src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_energetic_PBL.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ module MOM_energetic_PBL
real :: MKE_to_TKE_effic !< The efficiency with which mean kinetic energy released by
!! mechanically forced entrainment of the mixed layer is converted to
!! TKE [nondim].
logical :: direct_calc !< If true and there is no conversion from mean kinetic energy to ePBL
!! turbulent kinetic energy, use a direct calculation of the
!! diffusivity that is supported by a given energy input instead of the
!! more general but slower iterative solver.
real :: ustar_min !< A minimum value of ustar to avoid numerical problems [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].
!! If the value is small enough, this should not affect the solution.
real :: Ekman_scale_coef !< A nondimensional scaling factor controlling the inhibition of the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,6 +452,10 @@ subroutine energetic_PBL(h_3d, u_3d, v_3d, tv, fluxes, dt, Kd_int, G, GV, US, CS
SpV_scale1 = US%Z_to_m**3 * US%s_to_T**3
elseif (CS%options_diff == 3) then
CS_tmp1%direct_calc = .true. ; CS_tmp2%direct_calc = .false.
CS_tmp1%MKE_to_TKE_effic = 0.0 ; CS_tmp2%MKE_to_TKE_effic = 0.0
CS_tmp1%orig_PE_calc = .false. ; CS_tmp2%orig_PE_calc = .false.
if (CS%id_opt_diff_Kd_ePBL > 0) diff_Kd(:,:,:) = 0.0
if (CS%id_opt_maxdiff_Kd_ePBL > 0) max_abs_diff_Kd(:,:) = 0.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -898,8 +906,14 @@ subroutine ePBL_column(h, dz, u, v, T0, S0, dSV_dT, dSV_dS, SpV_dt, TKE_forcing,
real :: dMLD_max ! The change in diagnosed mixed layer depth when the guess is max_MLD [Z ~> m]
integer :: OBL_it ! Iteration counter

real :: TKE_used ! The TKE used to support mixing at an interface [R Z3 T-2 ~> J m-2].
! real :: Kd_add ! The additional diffusivity at an interface [H Z T-1 ~> m2 s-1 or kg m-1 s-1]
real :: frac_in_BL ! The fraction of the energy required to support dKd_max that is suppiled by
! max_PE_chg, used here to determine a fractional layer contribution to the
! boundary layer thickness [nondim]
real :: Surface_Scale ! Surface decay scale for vstar [nondim]
logical :: calc_Te ! If true calculate the expected final temperature and salinity values.
logical :: no_MKE_conversion ! If true, there is no conversion from MKE to TKE, so a simpler solver can be used.
logical :: debug ! This is used as a hard-coded value for debugging.
logical :: convectively_unstable ! If true, there is convective instability at an interface.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -927,6 +941,7 @@ subroutine ePBL_column(h, dz, u, v, T0, S0, dSV_dT, dSV_dS, SpV_dt, TKE_forcing,

debug = .false. ! Change this hard-coded value for debugging.
calc_Te = (debug .or. (.not.CS%orig_PE_calc))
no_MKE_conversion = ((CS%direct_calc) .and. (CS%MKE_to_TKE_effic == 0.0))

h_neglect = GV%H_subroundoff
dz_neglect = GV%dZ_subroundoff
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1307,7 +1322,18 @@ subroutine ePBL_column(h, dz, u, v, T0, S0, dSV_dT, dSV_dS, SpV_dt, TKE_forcing,
mixvel(K) = vstar ! Track vstar
Kddt_h_g0 = Kd_guess0 * dt_h

if (CS%orig_PE_calc) then
if (no_MKE_conversion) then
! Without conversion from MKE to TKE, the updated diffusivity can be determined directly.
! Replace h(k) with hp_b(k) = h(k), and dT_to_dPE with dT_to_dPE_b, etc., for a 2-direction solver.
call find_Kd_from_PE_chg(0.0, Kd_guess0, dt_h, tot_TKE, hp_a(k-1), h(k), &
Th_a(k-1), Sh_a(k-1), Th_b(k), Sh_b(k), &
dT_to_dPE_a(k-1), dS_to_dPE_a(k-1), dT_to_dPE(k), dS_to_dPE(k), &
pres_Z(K), dT_to_dColHt_a(k-1), dS_to_dColHt_a(k-1), &
dT_to_dColHt(k), dS_to_dColHt(k), Kd_add=Kd(K), PE_chg=TKE_used, &
dPE_max=PE_chg_max, PE_chg_dKd_max=PE_chg_g0, frac_in_BL=frac_in_BL)
convectively_unstable = (PE_chg_max < 0.0)
MKE_src = 0.0
elseif (CS%orig_PE_calc) then
call find_PE_chg_orig(Kddt_h_g0, h(k), hp_a(k-1), dTe_term, dSe_term, &
dT_km1_t2, dS_km1_t2, dT_to_dPE(k), dS_to_dPE(k), &
dT_to_dPE_a(k-1), dS_to_dPE_a(k-1), &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1404,6 +1430,31 @@ subroutine ePBL_column(h, dz, u, v, T0, S0, dSV_dT, dSV_dS, SpV_dt, TKE_forcing,

Kddt_h(K) = Kd(K) * dt_h

elseif (no_MKE_conversion) then ! (PE_chg_max >= 0.0) and use the diffusivity from find_Kd_from_PE_chg.
! Kd(K) and TKE_used were already set by find_Kd_from_PE_chg.

! frac_in_BL = min((TKE_used / PE_chg_g0), 1.0)
if (sfc_connected) MLD_output = MLD_output + frac_in_BL*dz(k)
if (frac_in_BL < 1.0) sfc_disconnect = .true.

! Reduce the mechanical and convective TKE proportionately.
TKE_reduc = 0.0 ! tot_TKE could be 0 if Convectively_stable is false.
if ((tot_TKE > 0.0) .and. (tot_TKE > TKE_used)) TKE_reduc = (tot_TKE - TKE_used) / tot_TKE

! All TKE should have been consumed.
if (CS%TKE_diagnostics) then
eCD%dTKE_mixing = eCD%dTKE_mixing - TKE_used * I_dtdiag
eCD%dTKE_conv_decay = eCD%dTKE_conv_decay + &
(1.0-TKE_reduc)*(CS%nstar-nstar_FC) * conv_PErel * I_dtdiag

tot_TKE = tot_TKE - TKE_used
mech_TKE = TKE_reduc*mech_TKE
conv_PErel = TKE_reduc*conv_PErel

Kddt_h(K) = Kd(K) * dt_h

elseif (tot_TKE + (MKE_src - PE_chg_g0) >= 0.0) then
! This column is convectively stable and there is energy to support the suggested
! mixing. Keep that estimate.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1804,6 +1855,162 @@ subroutine find_PE_chg(Kddt_h0, dKddt_h, hp_a, hp_b, Th_a, Sh_a, Th_b, Sh_b, &

end subroutine find_PE_chg

!> This subroutine directly calculates the an increment in the diapycnal diffusivity based on the
!! change in potential energy within a timestep, subject to bounds on the possible change in
!! diffusivity, returning both the added diffusivity and the realized potential energy change, and
!! optionally also the maximum change in potential energy that would be realized for an infinitely
!! large diffusivity.
subroutine find_Kd_from_PE_chg(Kd_prev, dKd_max, dt_h, max_PE_chg, hp_a, hp_b, Th_a, Sh_a, Th_b, Sh_b, &
dT_to_dPE_a, dS_to_dPE_a, dT_to_dPE_b, dS_to_dPE_b, pres_Z, &
dT_to_dColHt_a, dS_to_dColHt_a, dT_to_dColHt_b, dS_to_dColHt_b, &
Kd_add, PE_chg, dPE_max, PE_chg_dKd_max, frac_in_BL)
real, intent(in) :: Kd_prev !< The previously used diffusivity at an interface
!! [H Z T-1 ~> m2 s-1 or kg m-1 s-1].
real, intent(in) :: dKd_max !< The maximum change in the diffusivity at an interface
!! [H Z T-1 ~> m2 s-1 or kg m-1 s-1].
real, intent(in) :: dt_h !< The time step and divided by the average of the
!! thicknesses around the interface [T Z-1 ~> s m-1].
real, intent(in) :: max_PE_chg !< The maximum change in the column potential energy due to
!! additional mixing at an interface [R Z3 T-2 ~> J m-2].

real, intent(in) :: hp_a !< The effective pivot thickness of the layer above the
!! interface, given by h_k plus a term that
!! is a fraction (determined from the tridiagonal solver) of
!! Kddt_h for the interface above [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, intent(in) :: hp_b !< The effective pivot thickness of the layer below the
!! interface, given by h_k plus a term that
!! is a fraction (determined from the tridiagonal solver) of
!! Kddt_h for the interface below [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, intent(in) :: Th_a !< An effective temperature times a thickness in the layer
!! above, including implicit mixing effects with other
!! yet higher layers [C H ~> degC m or degC kg m-2].
real, intent(in) :: Sh_a !< An effective salinity times a thickness in the layer
!! above, including implicit mixing effects with other
!! yet higher layers [S H ~> ppt m or ppt kg m-2].
real, intent(in) :: Th_b !< An effective temperature times a thickness in the layer
!! below, including implicit mixing effects with other
!! yet lower layers [C H ~> degC m or degC kg m-2].
real, intent(in) :: Sh_b !< An effective salinity times a thickness in the layer
!! below, including implicit mixing effects with other
!! yet lower layers [S H ~> ppt m or ppt kg m-2].
real, intent(in) :: dT_to_dPE_a !< A factor (pres_lay*mass_lay*dSpec_vol/dT) relating
!! a layer's temperature change to the change in column potential
!! energy, including all implicit diffusive changes in the
!! temperatures of all the layers above [R Z3 T-2 C-1 ~> J m-2 degC-1].
real, intent(in) :: dS_to_dPE_a !< A factor (pres_lay*mass_lay*dSpec_vol/dS) relating
!! a layer's salinity change to the change in column potential
!! energy, including all implicit diffusive changes in the
!! salinities of all the layers above [R Z3 T-2 S-1 ~> J m-2 ppt-1].
real, intent(in) :: dT_to_dPE_b !< A factor (pres_lay*mass_lay*dSpec_vol/dT) relating
!! a layer's temperature change to the change in column potential
!! energy, including all implicit diffusive changes in the
!! temperatures of all the layers below [R Z3 T-2 C-1 ~> J m-2 degC-1].
real, intent(in) :: dS_to_dPE_b !< A factor (pres_lay*mass_lay*dSpec_vol/dS) relating
!! a layer's salinity change to the change in column potential
!! energy, including all implicit diffusive changes in the
!! salinities of all the layers below [R Z3 T-2 S-1 ~> J m-2 ppt-1].
real, intent(in) :: pres_Z !< The rescaled hydrostatic interface pressure, which relates
!! the changes in column thickness to the energy that is radiated
!! as gravity waves and unavailable to drive mixing [R Z2 T-2 ~> J m-3].
real, intent(in) :: dT_to_dColHt_a !< A factor (mass_lay*dSColHtc_vol/dT) relating
!! a layer's temperature change to the change in column
!! height, including all implicit diffusive changes
!! in the temperatures of all the layers above [Z C-1 ~> m degC-1].
real, intent(in) :: dS_to_dColHt_a !< A factor (mass_lay*dSColHtc_vol/dS) relating
!! a layer's salinity change to the change in column
!! height, including all implicit diffusive changes
!! in the salinities of all the layers above [Z S-1 ~> m ppt-1].
real, intent(in) :: dT_to_dColHt_b !< A factor (mass_lay*dSColHtc_vol/dT) relating
!! a layer's temperature change to the change in column
!! height, including all implicit diffusive changes
!! in the temperatures of all the layers below [Z C-1 ~> m degC-1].
real, intent(in) :: dS_to_dColHt_b !< A factor (mass_lay*dSColHtc_vol/dS) relating
!! a layer's salinity change to the change in column
!! height, including all implicit diffusive changes
!! in the salinities of all the layers below [Z S-1 ~> m ppt-1].
real, intent(out) :: Kd_add !< The additional diffusivity at an interface
!! [H Z T-1 ~> m2 s-1 or kg m-1 s-1].
real, intent(out) :: PE_chg !< The realized change in the column potential energy due to
!! additional mixing at an interface [R Z3 T-2 ~> J m-2].
real, optional, &
intent(out) :: dPE_max !< The maximum change in column potential energy that could
!! be realized by applying a huge value of dKddt_h at the
!! present interface [R Z3 T-2 ~> J m-2].
real, optional, &
intent(out) :: PE_chg_dKd_max !< The change in column potential energy that would
!! be realized by applying a diffusivity of dKd_max at the
!! present interface [R Z3 T-2 ~> J m-2].
real, optional, &
intent(out) :: frac_in_BL !< The fraction of the energy required to support dKd_max
!! that is suppiled by max_PE_chg [nondim]

! Local variables
real :: Kddt_h0 ! The previously used diffusivity at an interface times the time step
! and divided by the average of the thicknesses around the
! interface [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real :: dKddt_h ! The upper bound on the change in the diffusivity at an interface times
! the time step and divided by the average of the thicknesses around
! the interface [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real :: hps ! The sum of the two effective pivot thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real :: bdt1 ! A product of the two pivot thicknesses plus a diffusive term [H2 ~> m2 or kg2 m-4].
real :: dT_c ! The core term in the expressions for the temperature changes [C H2 ~> degC m2 or degC kg2 m-4].
real :: dS_c ! The core term in the expressions for the salinity changes [S H2 ~> ppt m2 or ppt kg2 m-4].
real :: PEc_core ! The diffusivity-independent core term in the expressions
! for the potential energy changes [R Z2 T-2 ~> J m-3].
real :: ColHt_core ! The diffusivity-independent core term in the expressions
! for the column height changes [H Z ~> m2 or kg m-1].

! The expression for the change in potential energy used here is derived
! from the expression for the final estimates of the changes in temperature
! and salinities, and then extensively manipulated to get it into its most
! succinct form. It is the same as the expression that appears in find_PE_chg.

Kddt_h0 = Kd_prev * dt_h
hps = hp_a + hp_b
bdt1 = hp_a * hp_b + Kddt_h0 * hps
dT_c = hp_a * Th_b - hp_b * Th_a
dS_c = hp_a * Sh_b - hp_b * Sh_a
PEc_core = hp_b * (dT_to_dPE_a * dT_c + dS_to_dPE_a * dS_c) - &
hp_a * (dT_to_dPE_b * dT_c + dS_to_dPE_b * dS_c)
ColHt_core = hp_b * (dT_to_dColHt_a * dT_c + dS_to_dColHt_a * dS_c) - &
hp_a * (dT_to_dColHt_b * dT_c + dS_to_dColHt_b * dS_c)
if (ColHt_core < 0.0) PEc_core = PEc_core - pres_Z * ColHt_core

! Find the change in column potential energy due to the change in the
! diffusivity at this interface by dKd_max, and use this to dermine which limit applies.
dKddt_h = dKd_max * dt_h
if ( (PEc_core * dKddt_h <= max_PE_chg * (bdt1 * (bdt1 + dKddt_h * hps))) .or. (PEc_core <= 0.0) ) then
! There is more than enough energy available to support the maximum permitted diffusivity.
Kd_add = dKd_max
PE_chg = PEc_core * dKddt_h / (bdt1 * (bdt1 + dKddt_h * hps))
if (present(PE_chg_dKd_max)) PE_chg_dKd_max = PE_chg
if (present(frac_in_BL)) frac_in_BL = 1.0
! Mixing is constrained by the available energy, so solve the following for Kd_add:
! max_PE_chg = PEc_core * Kd_add * dt_h / (bdt1 * (bdt1 + Kd_add * dt_h * hps))
Kd_add = (bdt1**2 * max_PE_chg) / (dt_h * (PEc_core - bdt1 * hps * max_PE_chg))
PE_chg = max_PE_chg
! It has been verified that the two branches are continuous.

if (present(PE_chg_dKd_max)) &
PE_chg_dKd_max = PEc_core * dKddt_h / (bdt1 * (bdt1 + dKddt_h * hps))
if (present(frac_in_BL)) frac_in_BL = (PE_chg * (bdt1 * (bdt1 + dKddt_h * hps))) / (PEc_core * dKddt_h)

! Derivative of PE_chg with dKddt_h is monotonic:
! dPE_chg_dKd = PEc_core * ( (bdt1 * (bdt1 + dKddt_h * hps)) - bdtl * hps * dKddt_h ) / &
! (bdt1 * (bdt1 + dKddt_h * hps))**2
! dPE_chg_dKd = PEc_core / (bdt1 + dKddt_h * hps)**2

if (present(dPE_max)) then
! This expression is the limit of PE_chg for infinite dKddt_h.
dPE_max = PEc_core / (bdt1 * hps)

end subroutine find_Kd_from_PE_chg

!> This subroutine calculates the change in potential energy and or derivatives
!! for several changes in an interface's diapycnal diffusivity times a timestep
!! using the original form used in the first version of ePBL.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2246,6 +2453,11 @@ subroutine energetic_PBL_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS)
"TKE_DECAY relates the vertical rate of decay of the TKE available "//&
"for mechanical entrainment to the natural Ekman depth.", &
units="nondim", default=2.5)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DIRECT_EPBL_MIXING_CALC", CS%direct_calc, &
"If true and there is no conversion from mean kinetic energy to ePBL turbulent "//&
"kinetic energy, use a direct calculation of the diffusivity that is supported "//&
"by a given energy input instead of the more general but slower iterative solver.", &
default=.false., do_not_log=(CS%MKE_to_TKE_effic>0.0))

!/2. Options related to setting MSTAR
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2545,6 +2757,8 @@ subroutine energetic_PBL_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS)
diff_text = "EPBL_ORIGINAL_PE_CALC settings"
elseif (CS%options_diff == 2) then
diff_text = "EPBL_ANSWER_DATE settings"
elseif (CS%options_diff == 3) then
diff_text = "DIRECT_EPBL_MIXING_CALC settings"
diff_text = "unchanged settings"
Expand Down

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