Python wrapper around ghc-mod, haskell-src-exts and other Haskell libraries to provide code completion and syntax highlighting in VIM.
I am aiming to create a Python library that makes use of Haskell libraries like ghc-mod and haskell-src-exts to provide code completion and syntax highlighting for myself, the way I would like it, when I use VIM to do Haskell hacking.
I am wrapping it all in Python so that it is easily accessible in VIM and so it might be used by other editors.
I use GHC as my Haskell compiler and like a lot of the extensions so I want to support a lot of GHC specific functionality and hence it is an editor plug-in helper for GHC and not more generally Haskell.
I am doing this as a holiday project for myself, and if I haven't achieved anything by the end of the holiday I'll just delete the repository instead of leaving only a README behind.