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Pieter Hordijk edited this page Dec 30, 2018 · 9 revisions



Validates the input (string) to be a valid Albanian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Albania;

(new Albania())->validate('AL47212110090000000235698741');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Albania when the validated value is not a valid Albanian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Andorran IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Andorra;

(new Andorra())->validate('AD1200012030200359100100');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Andorra when the validated value is not a valid Andorran IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Austrian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Austria;

(new Austria())->validate('AT611904300234573201');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Austria when the validated value is not a valid Austrian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Azerbaijani IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Azerbaijan;

(new Azerbaijan())->validate('AZ21NABZ00000000137010001944');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Azerbaijan when the validated value is not a valid Azerbaijani IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Bahraini IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Bahrain;

(new Bahrain())->validate('BH67BMAG00001299123456');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Bahrain when the validated value is not a valid Bahraini IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Belgium IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Belgium;

(new Belgium())->validate('BE68539007547034');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Belgium when the validated value is not a valid Belgium IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Belgian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Belgium;

(new Belgium())->validate('BE68539007547034');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Belgium when the validated value is not a valid Belgian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Bosnian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\BosniaAndHerzegovina;

(new BosniaAndHerzegovina())->validate('BA391290079401028494');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.BosniaAndHerzegovina when the validated value is not a valid Bosnian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Brazilian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Brazil;

(new Brazil())->validate('BR9700360305000010009795493P1');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Brazil when the validated value is not a valid Brazilian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid IBAN code from the British Virgin Islands.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\BritishVirginIslands;

(new BritishVirginIslands())->validate('VG96VPVG0000012345678901');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.BritishVirginIslands when the validated value is not a valid IBAN code from the British Virgin Islands
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Bulgarian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Bulgaria;

(new Bulgaria())->validate('BG80BNBG96611020345678');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Bulgaria when the validated value is not a valid Bulgarian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Bulgarian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Bulgaria;

(new Bulgaria())->validate('BG80BNBG96611020345678');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Bulgaria when the validated value is not a valid Bulgarian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Costa Rican IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\CostaRica;

(new CostaRica())->validate('CR05015202001026284066');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.CostaRica when the validated value is not a valid Costa Rican IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Croatian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Croatia;

(new Croatia())->validate('HR1210010051863000160');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Croatia when the validated value is not a valid Croatian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Cypriot IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Cyprus;

(new Cyprus())->validate('CY17002001280000001200527600');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Cyprus when the validated value is not a valid Cypriot IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Czech IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\CzechRepublic;

(new CzechRepublic())->validate('CZ6508000000192000145399');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.CzechRepublic when the validated value is not a valid Czech IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Danish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Denmark;

(new Denmark())->validate('DK5000400440116243');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Denmark when the validated value is not a valid Danish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Dominican IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\DominicanRepublic;

(new DominicanRepublic())->validate('DO28BAGR00000001212453611324');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.DominicanRepublic when the validated value is not a valid Dominican IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid East Timor IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\EastTimor;

(new EastTimor())->validate('TL380080012345678910157');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.EastTimor when the validated value is not a valid East Timor IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Estonian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Estonia;

(new Estonia())->validate('EE382200221020145685');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Estonia when the validated value is not a valid Estonian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid IBAN code from the Faroe Islands.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\FaroeIslands;

(new FaroeIslands())->validate('FO2000400440116243');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.FaroeIslands when the validated value is not a valid IBAN code from the FaroeIslands
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Finnish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Finland;

(new Finland())->validate('FI2112345600000785');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Finland when the validated value is not a valid Finnish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid French IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\France;

(new France())->validate('FR1420041010050500013M02606');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.France when the validated value is not a valid French IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Georgian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Georgia;

(new Georgia())->validate('GE29NB0000000101904917');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Georgia when the validated value is not a valid Georgian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid German IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Germany;

(new Germany())->validate('DE89370400440532013000');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Germany when the validated value is not a valid German IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Gibraltarian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Gibraltar;

(new Gibraltar())->validate('GI75NWBK000000007099453');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Gibraltar when the validated value is not a valid Gibraltarian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Greece IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Greece;

(new Greece())->validate('GR1601101250000000012300695');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Greece when the validated value is not a valid Greece IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Greenlandish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Greenland;

(new Greenland())->validate('GL2000400440116243');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Greenland when the validated value is not a valid Greenlandish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Guatemalan IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Guatemala;

(new Guatemala())->validate('GT82TRAJ01020000001210029690');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Guatemala when the validated value is not a valid Guatemalan IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Hungarian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Hungary;

(new Hungary())->validate('HU42117730161111101800000000');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Hungary when the validated value is not a valid Hungarian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Icelandic IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Iceland;

(new Iceland())->validate('IS140159260076545510730339');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Iceland when the validated value is not a valid Icelandic IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Irish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Ireland;

(new Ireland())->validate('IE29AIBK93115212345678');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Ireland when the validated value is not a valid Irish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Israeli IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Israel;

(new Israel())->validate('IL620108000000099999999');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Israel when the validated value is not a valid Israeli IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Italian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Italy;

(new Italy())->validate('IT60X0542811101000000123456');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Italy when the validated value is not a valid Italian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Jordanian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Jordan;

(new Jordan())->validate('JO94CBJO0010000000000131000302');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Jordan when the validated value is not a valid Jordanian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Kazakh IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Kazakhstan;

(new Kazakhstan())->validate('KZ86125KZT5004100100');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Kazakhstan when the validated value is not a valid Kazakh IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Kosovo IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Kosovo;

(new Kosovo())->validate('XK051212012345678906');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Kosovo when the validated value is not a valid Kosovo IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Kuwaiti IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Kuwait;

(new Kuwait())->validate('KW81CBKU0000000000001234560101');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Kuwait when the validated value is not a valid Kuwaiti IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Latvian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Latvia;

(new Latvia())->validate('LV80BANK0000435195001');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Latvia when the validated value is not a valid Latvian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Lebanese IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Lebanon;

(new Lebanon())->validate('LB62099900000001001901229114');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Lebanon when the validated value is not a valid Lebanese IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Liechtensteiner IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Liechtenstein;

(new Liechtenstein())->validate('LI21088100002324013AA');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Liechtenstein when the validated value is not a valid Liechtensteiner IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Lithuanian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Lithuania;

(new Lithuania())->validate('LT121000011101001000');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Lithuania when the validated value is not a valid Lithuanian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Luxembourgian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Luxembourg;

(new Luxembourg())->validate('LU280019400644750000');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Luxembourg when the validated value is not a valid Luxembourgian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Macedonian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Macedonia;

(new Macedonia())->validate('MK07250120000058984');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Macedonia when the validated value is not a valid Macedonian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Maltese IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Malta;

(new Malta())->validate('MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Malta when the validated value is not a valid Maltese IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Mauritanian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Mauritania;

(new Mauritania())->validate('MR1300020001010000123456753');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Mauritania when the validated value is not a valid Mauritanian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Mauritian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Mauritius;

(new Mauritius())->validate('MU17BOMM0101101030300200000MUR');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Mauritius when the validated value is not a valid Mauritian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Moldovan IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Moldova;

(new Moldova())->validate('MD24AG000225100013104168');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Moldova when the validated value is not a valid Moldovan IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Monaco IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Monaco;

(new Monaco())->validate('MC5811222000010123456789030');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Monaco when the validated value is not a valid Monaco IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Montenegrin IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Montenegro;

(new Montenegro())->validate('ME25505000012345678951');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Montenegro when the validated value is not a valid Montenegrin IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Dutch IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Netherlands;

(new Netherlands())->validate('NL91ABNA0417164300');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Netherlands when the validated value is not a valid Dutch IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Norwegian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Norway;

(new Norway())->validate('NO9386011117947');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Norway when the validated value is not a valid Norwegian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Pakistani IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Pakistan;

(new Pakistan())->validate('PK36SCBL0000001123456702');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Pakistan when the validated value is not a valid Pakistani IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Palestinian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Palestine;

(new Palestine())->validate('PS92PALS000000000400123456702');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Palestine when the validated value is not a valid Palestinian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Polish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Poland;

(new Poland())->validate('PL61109010140000071219812874');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Poland when the validated value is not a valid Polish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Portuguese IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Portugal;

(new Portugal())->validate('PT50000201231234567890154');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Portugal when the validated value is not a valid Portuguese IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Qatari IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Qatar;

(new Qatar())->validate('QA58DOHB00001234567890ABCDEFG');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Qatar when the validated value is not a valid Qatari IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Romanian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Romania;

(new Romania())->validate('RO49AAAA1B31007593840000');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Romania when the validated value is not a valid Romanian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Sammarinese IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\SanMarino;

(new SanMarino())->validate('SM86U0322509800000000270100');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.SanMarino when the validated value is not a valid Sammarinese IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Saudi IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\SaudiArabia;

(new SaudiArabia())->validate('SA0380000000608010167519');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.SaudiArabia when the validated value is not a valid Saudi IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Serbian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Serbia;

(new Serbia())->validate('RS35260005601001611379');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Serbia when the validated value is not a valid Serbian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Slovakian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Slovakia;

(new Slovakia())->validate('SK3112000000198742637541');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Slovakia when the validated value is not a valid Slovakian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Slovenian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Slovenia;

(new Slovenia())->validate('SI56191000000123438');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Slovenia when the validated value is not a valid Slovenian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Spanish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Spain;

(new Spain())->validate('ES9121000418450200051332');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Spain when the validated value is not a valid Spanish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Swedish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Sweden;

(new Sweden())->validate('SE4550000000058398257466');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Sweden when the validated value is not a valid Swedish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Swiss IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Switzerland;

(new Switzerland())->validate('CH9300762011623852957');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Switzerland when the validated value is not a valid Swiss IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Tunisian IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Tunisia;

(new Tunisia())->validate('TN5910006035183598478831');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Tunisia when the validated value is not a valid Tunisian IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Turkish IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\Turkey;

(new Turkey())->validate('TR330006100519786457841326');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.Turkey when the validated value is not a valid Turkish IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid Emirate IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\UnitedArabEmirates;

(new UnitedArabEmirates())->validate('AE070331234567890123456');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.UnitedArabEmirates when the validated value is not a valid Emirate IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid British IBAN code.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Country\UnitedKingdom;

(new UnitedKingdom())->validate('AE070331234567890123456');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Country.UnitedKingdom when the validated value is not a valid British IBAN code
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to have a valid IBAN checksum

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Checksum;

(new Checksum())->validate('AE070331234567890123456');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Checksum when the validated value's checksum digit is not valid


Validates the input (string) to be a valid IBAN code.
Supported IBAN codes are all countries listed above.

Version information

Available since: 1.0.0


<?php declare(strict_types);

use HarmonyIO\Validation\Rule\BankAccount\Iban\Iban;

(new Iban())->validate('AE070331234567890123456');

Failure reasons

  • Type.String when the validated value is not a string
  • BankAccount.Iban.Iban when the validated value is not a valid IBAN
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