This is a simple Python command-line To-Do List application that allows you to view, add, and mark tasks as completed. It's a straightforward tool to help you manage your tasks and keep track of what needs to be done.
View Tasks Select option 1 from the menu to view the tasks in your to-do list. The application will display a numbered list of tasks that need to be completed.
Add Task Choose option 2 to add a new task to your to-do list. Enter a task when prompted, and it will be added to your list.
Mark Task as Completed Select option 3 to mark a task as completed. You will be prompted to enter the number of the completed task, and it will be removed from your list.
Exit Program To exit the program, choose option 4. The application will bid you farewell and close.
Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
Open a terminal and navigate to the repository's directory.
Run the application by executing the following command:
Follow the on-screen menu instructions to interact with the application.
Enjoy organized task management!
You can customize this application to suit your specific needs. Here are some tips:
- Modify the messages and prompts in the code to match your preferred style.
- Add more features or options to the menu to enhance functionality.
- Change the application's name and branding to make it your own.
Hasnain kherani
Thanks to the open-source community for inspiring and providing resources for this project. Feel free to customize, enhance, and share this to-do list application with the world! Happy task management!