Zweifach (german for "two times") is an app to make integration of django-otp a bit more biased.
Integration of two factor auth is enforced by a middleware which will ensure two things:
- make sure a user who is required to enable 2FA for its account will be redirected to the setup-view until setup is done.
- make sure a user who has 2FA enabled will be redirected to verify-view for token input after login until verified.
- Install packages by running 'pip install zweifach django-otp qrcode'
- Add 'zweifach' to INSTALLED_APPS.
- Add 'zweifach.middleware.ZweifachMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE, after AuthenticationMiddleware.
- Inlcude 'zweifach.urls' somewhere in your url-config.
- Configure django-otp as described further down below
default: []
A list of checks which determine, if a user needs 2FA to use its account.
ZWEIFACH_AUTH_REQUIRED = [ lambda user: user.is_staff, # all staff unsers must use two factor auth lambda user: '2fa' in user.groups.values_list("name", flat=True), # all users in group '2fa' must use two factor auth ]
default: []
A list of url which are always accessible without 2FA. Verify and Setup views are always excluded as well as settings.LOGIN_URL and the admin login view, if admin is enabled.
ZWEIFACH_URL_EXCLUDES = [ '/imprint/', '/faq/how-to-setup-2fa/', ]
Note: If a url is accessible without login, it can of course still be viewed without any 2FA interaction.
A compatible installation of django-otp should be setup as follows:
'django_otp', 'django_otp.plugins.otp_totp', 'django_otp.plugins.otp_static',
Add to MIDDLEWARE (between AuthenticationMiddleware and ZweifachMiddleware):
Configure issuer:
To generate static recovery tokens (also useful for first login on freshly installed systems) use:
./ addstatictoken <username>
Ensure basic code style with:
Build package with:
python3 -m build
Upload package to PyPI:
python3 -m twine upload dist/zweifach-x.x.x*