This Dart library aims to simplify and streamline the process of interacting with MySQL databases.
- Establish a connection to a MySQL database.
- Execute SQL queries and retrieve results.
- Create tables with specified column definitions.
- Retrieve all elements or specific columns from a table.
- Search for items in the database with various search options.
- Insert, update, and delete elements in the database.
Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:
mysql_client: 0.0.27
git: git//
Import MySQL Simple
import 'package:mysqlsimple/mysqlsimple.dart';
Demo of MySQL Simple
void main() async {
// Create Conection
var db = DataBase('localhost', 'root', 'password', 'colors', 3306);
// Get All Elements of 'Palette'
var getAllElements = await db.getAllElements('palette');
// Get Element of 'Palette'
var searchElement = await db.searchElements('palette', 'id', '1');
// Insert Element of 'Palette'
await db.insertElement('palette', ['id', 'name', 'hex_code'], ['6', 'white', '#FFFFFF']);
// Update Element of 'Palette'
await db.updateElement('palette', '6', [['name', 'White']]);
// Delete Element of 'Palette'
await db.deleteElement('palette', '6');
Contributions are welcome! If you want to improve this library, open an issue or send a pull request.