Assign roles to users and restrict command access in other scripts. (Tested on Hubot stackstorm module)
has <role>
role - Assigns a role to a user
doesn't have <role>
role - Removes a role from a user
what roles does <user>
have - Find out what roles a user has
what roles do I have - Find out what roles you have
who has <role>
role - Find out who has the given role
list assigned roles - List all assigned roles
what is my name - Tells you your name from persistent storage
what is my id - tells you your id from persistent storage
Clone hubot-auth-persistent to your /hubot/node_modules
Remove .git folder from /hubot/node_modules/hubot-auth-persistent/(.git)
Add hubot-auth-persistent to your external-scripts.json
Run npm install
in root of your hubot
Use *
as wildcard for more commands
At least one record in acl.json is needed.
Add acl.json to to root folder of your hubot:
"role": "Role name",
"description": "Role description",
"commands": [
"command 1",
"command 2",
"command 3 * 4"
"role": "admin",
"description": "alias1",
"commands": [
"admin test pikachu",
"st2 list * actions"
}, {
"role": "alias2",
"description": "alias2",
"commands": [
"alias2 fmt1 {{param1}} {{param2}}",
"alias2 fmt2 {{param1}} some more words",
"alias1 fmt1 {{param}} breaking words {{param2=default}}"
}, {
"role": "alias3",
"description": "alias3",
"commands": [
"st2 list {{ limit=10 }} actions"
}, {
"role": "testAdmin",
"description": "alias4",
"commands": [
"test pokemon",
"st2 free"
}, {
"role": "test",
"description": "test",
"commands": [
"st2 list *"
is default superuser role and has access to everything
At least one record in roles.json is needed.
Add roles.json to to root folder of your hubot:
"role": "st2admin",
"users": [
"slack user id"
"role": "st2admin",
"users": [
"role": "admin",
"users": [
"role": "test",
"users": [
remove "use strict";
from beginning of your stackstorm.js file
robot.respond(/([\s\S]+?)$/i, (msg) => {
robot.respond(/([\s\S]+?)$/i, (msg) => {
var command, result, command_name, format_string, action_alias;
// Normalize the command and remove special handling provided by the chat service.
// e.g. slack replace quote marks with left double quote which would break behavior.
command = formatter.normalizeCommand(msg.match[1]);
result = command_factory.getMatchingCommand(command);
if (result == null || result == "") {
// No command found
msg.reply("No command found");
command_name = result[0];
format_string = result[1];
action_alias = result[2];
user = robot.brain.userForName(;
executeCommand(msg, command_name, format_string, command, action_alias);
} else {"user> " + user)
var uCommands = [],
roles = robot.auth.userRoles(user),
fs = require('fs'),
acl = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.cwd() + '/acl.json', 'utf8'));
for (var i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) {
if(roles[i] === acl[j].role){
function matchRuleShort(str, rule) {
return new RegExp("^" + rule.split("*").join(".*") + "$").test(str);
uCommands = [ Set( => a))];
if(!uCommands.length == 0){
for (var i = 0; i < uCommands.length; i++) {
for(var j = 0; j < uCommands[i].length; j++)
if(matchRuleShort(command, uCommands[i][j])){
CanDo = 1;
} else {"cmd>" + uCommands[i][j] + " : " + command)
CanDo = 0;
if(CanDo != 1){
msg.reply("Sorry. You don't have appropriate role to do that.");
CanDo = 0;
} else {
executeCommand(msg, command_name, format_string, command, action_alias);
} else {
msg.reply("Error. User doesn't have any role nor any commands assigned")
user2>> hubot some command
hubot>> Access Denied. You need role some-role to perform this action.
user1>> hubot user2 has some-role role
hubot>> OK, user2 has the some-role role.
user2>> hubot some command
hubot>> Command done!