This app is designed to fetch all the tweets from Twitter with the following conditions:
- By followers (eg: @twitter_handle)
- By keyword/track (eg: #India, Sports, #Formula1 etc)
- Both (followers or keywords). On submitting, the app should start streaming tweets for the conditions configured.
This app requires the following
- Java (atleast jdk 8)
- Maven (mvn) or spring cli-tool
- Node (would be installed by Maven)
- Angular (would be installed by Node)
To install this application locally:
- Clone this repo and get inside the directory
- Configure your app properties (Check out the configuration section of this README)
- Get in the root directory of the folder and clean install dependencies
(You can also use spring-cli or the include .mvnw to achieve this). This will give a build failure error on wrong configuration.
$ mvn clean install
- Get resources for the frontend
$ mvn generate-resources
- Start the server
The app by default run on port 8080. To view this application, open localhost:8080 in your web browser. To close application, just ^C the process.
$ mvn spring-boot:run
- Create a ".env" file in the root directory. You can use the ".env.sample" for guidance. Change the value of the variable
inside "./.env" to your own Twitter Bearer Token. When you first run the appication, you need to source this file with:$ source ./.env
- The default java version is 11. To change, open "pom.xml" and change the value of
<project> <properties> <java.version>
to your required version. - The default node version is 12.8. To change, open "pom.xml" and change the value of
<project> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <version> <configuration> <nodeVersion>
to your required version. - Change the database url, username and password in "./src/resource/" if desired
This app is developed between the following constraints:
- Integrate with twitter API. (Eg. Filter Realtime Tweets API OR Filtered Stream API of Twitter)
b. - Store the tweets in the database and show the tweets on a webpage.
- Do NOT use any existing feature/capability libraries for integrating with twitter (eg., twitter4j).
- You can use any HTTP library to fetch the data.
- The twitter API client or consumer should not be restarted to accommodate any change in followers or keywords to track.
- Minimum 80% code coverage using any testing library
Using the frontend:
- Go to the live version or localhost:8080
- Add filters based on type and click on "add this"
- You can add mutilple filters of any of these types
- Click on "Checkout tweets" to see tweets matching these filters
- On this next page, you'll find all tweets.
- You can add more filters in the "add filter" section on top
- You can remove filters by pressing the cross next to the filter in the "filters" side-bar
Using the database:
- Go to the route '/db' (i.e. live_version_url/db or localhost:8080/db)
- Enter the database url, username and password
- Interact with the Tweets table
Using only backend:
- Use these routes with thier respective playloads:
Route HTTP Method Payload type Description /test GET - For testing /add_filter POST SenderAddFilter Create (add) filter /filters GET - Read All (show) filters /delete_filter POST SenderDeleteFilter Delete filter(s) /tweets GET - Retrieve on tweet at a time but keep the connection alive, send again to get next tweet /stop_tweets GET - closes the connection started by /tweets
Look at this web app here