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Hitbim-CLI (bimio)


Hitbim-CLI (bimio) is a powerful command line interface designed to streamline the development and distribution of Hitbim plugins and components.

For more information about terms and usages : Hitbim Developer Docs

Table of Contents


With Hitbim-CLI (bimio), developers can easily initialize projects, generate sample plugins and components, manage local development servers, and interact with the Hitbim services for registration, login, download, upload and more.


Install Hitbim-CLI (bimio) globally with npm:


sudo npm install -g @flipperhitbim/bimio


npm install -g @flipperhitbim/bimio

Basic Options

Hitbim-CLI (bimio) provides some basic options that can be used with any command:

  • -v, --version : Display current bimio version number.
  • -da, --debug-all : Enable all debug info output.
  • -ds, --debug-server : Enable server debug info output.
  • -de, --debug-error : Enable error debug info output.
  • -h, --help : Display help for command.


bimio [command] -ds -de

This will execute the given command with server debug info and error debug info output enabled.


Hitbim-CLI (bimio) can be used with the command 'bimio'. Here's the command format:

bimio [command] [options]

Always feel free to use bimio --help or bimio -h to see a list of available commands and options!

Getting Started

For the first time, initialize your project with the 'init' command:

bimio init [projectName]

Change your work directory:

cd [projectName]

Then you can create plugins or components for your project:

bimio create --plugin [pluginNames...]
bimio create --component [componentNames...]

To run your project locally, use the 'run' command:

bimio run

Real-Time Development


Using bimio alongside an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like VS Code can drastically improve your development experience. Here's a suggested workflow:

  1. Initialize and Run Your Project:

    • Start by initializing your project with bimio init.
    • Navigate to your project directory and run bimio run to start the local development server.
  2. Open in an IDE:

    • While the server is running, open your project in VS Code or your preferred IDE.
  3. Dual-Screen Workflow:

    • For an optimal experience, consider using a dual-screen setup. On one screen, keep your IDE open with the project files. On the other, have a browser window showing the live server.
  4. Real-Time Feedback Loop:

    • As you make changes to your plugin or component in the IDE, save the file.
    • Switch to the browser window. Thanks to bimio, you'll see the changes reflected instantly by refreshing, restarting of developer server is not needed. This allows for a smooth, real-time feedback loop.
  5. Iterative Development:

    • Continuously make changes, save, and check the live output. This iterative process helps in rapidly catching and rectifying issues, and viewing updates as they're made.

Project Structure

When you initialize bimio to create project, you're provided with a specific file and directory structure. Here's a breakdown of the generated structure and the responsibilities of each file and directory:

Directory Structure:

├─ manifest.json
└─ public
   ├─ bims
   │  └─ tabbar
   │     └─ Sample
   │        ├─ assets
   │        ├─ css
   │        │  └─ tabbar.css
   │        ├─ js
   │        │  └─ tabbar.js
   │        └─ tabbar.html
      └─ Sample
         ├─ assets
         │  └─ img
         │     └─ logo.png
         ├─ config.json
         ├─ css
         │  └─ Sample.css
         ├─ img
         ├─ js
         │  └─ Sample.js
         ├─ key
         ├─ lang
         │  ├─ en.json
         │  └─ kr.json
         ├─ index.html
         └─ templates
            └─ Sample.html

Key Files and Directories:

Below is a summary of the key files and directories created by bimio in the project structure, along with their respective responsibilities:

  • manifest.json: This is the metadata file that contains information about your entire project. It provides a general overview and configurations related to plugins and components.

  • public Directory: This is the main directory where all your public assets, plugins, components, and other related resources reside.

    • bims Directory: This directory holds assets and configurations related to bims. In the context of Hitbim, bim denotes both Building Information Modeling and Built-In Micro-services, representing the dual concept of constructing an app and incorporating built-in functionalities.

    • COMPONENTS Directory: The main directory that houses the extra UI components used in your project. Each sub-directory within this directory represents a specific component type.

      • Example: tabbar
        • Sample: A sample instance of the tabbar component. Each component type can have multiple instances, each tailored for specific purposes or variations.
          • assets: Holds any static assets related to this specific instance of the component.
          • css: Contains the CSS files specific to this instance.
            • tabbar.css: The primary CSS file for the tabbar component instance.
          • js: Contains the JavaScript files that define the behavior of this instance.
            • tabbar.js: The primary JavaScript file for the component instance.
          • tabbar.html: The primary HTML file that provides the layout and structure for this tabbar component instance.
    • PLUGINS Directory: This is where all the plugins for your project are stored.

      • Example: Sample
        • assets: Holds static assets for the plugin, like images or other files.
        • config.json: Configuration file for the plugin, defining its properties and behavior.
        • css: Contains the CSS files specific to the plugin.
        • js: Contains the JavaScript files defining the behavior of the plugin.
        • key: File for plugin authentication and credentials.
        • lang: Contains localization files, with en.json for English and kr.json for Korean.
        • index.html: The main HTML interface file for the plugin.
        • templates: Directory for pages of the plugin.

This structure ensures a systematic approach to developing and managing plugins and components using bimio. Remember, while this structure provides a guideline, it's flexible and can be customized based on the specific needs and requirements of your project.

Command List


bimio init <projectName>

Initialize a new project with the given project name. You must provide a project name.


bimio create --plugin <pluginNames...>
bimio create --component <componentNames...>
bimio create --plugin <pluginNames...> --component <componentNames...>

Generate a standard structure following Hitbim's architecture. This command generates sample plugins or components for your project. You must select either plugin or component. If you want, you can generate both at the same time.


bimio run --port <port>

Run your project to see the preview. The default port is '3000'.


bimio stop

Stop your running project.


bimio signup

Redirect you to the signup page for Hitbim Services.


bimio login --email <email> --password <password>

Login to Hitbim Services. Email and password are required. If you are already logged in, it will display your current session information.


bimio logout

Logout from Hitbim Services.


bimio session

Check whether the user is logged in or not, and show the user's information.


bimio mylist --plugin
bimio mylist --component
bimio mylist --all

Show your lists from Hitbim Services. You must select either plugin, component, or all.


bimio download --plugin <pluginId>
bimio download --component <componentId>

Download from Hitbim Services. You must select either plugin or component.


bimio upload --plugin <pluginNames...>
bimio upload --component <componentNames...>
bimio upload --all
bimio upload --plugin <pluginNames...> --new
bimio upload --component <componentNames...> --new
bimio upload --all --new

Upload to Hitbim Services. You must select either plugin, component, or all. If you want to upload as new, use the '--new' option.


bimio docs

Show Hitbim Docs on your browser.


bimio help [commandName]

Display help information for the specified command, or all commands if no command is specified.


The current version of Hitbim-CLI (bimio) is fully supported on Long Term Support versions of Node.js, and requires at least v.10.

The main forum support is the project issues on GitHub.