AS A World of Warcraft player I WANT to be able to build a team of other online WOW players SO THAT I can organize and strategize my Mythic+ challenges
GIVEN the application properly operates for a given user
- WHEN I start the application
- THEN I am presented with the landing/home page
- WHEN I click the character tab in the nav bar
- THEN I am alerted that I must be logged in/signed up first
- WHEN I click the sign up tab in the nav bar
- THEN I am asked to provide an email address and a password
- WHEN I click on the sign up button
- THEN I am redirected automatically to the home page
- WHEN I search in the search bar within the nav bar
- THEN I am redirected to the Official World of Warcraft search page
- WHEN I click on the character tab in the nav bar
- THEN I am redirected to the Character page to search for a WOW character
- WHEN I enter a character's name, select its region from the drop-down option, input the realm, and push the add character button
- THEN the character's name will be displayed on the page
- WHEN I click on the character's name
- THEN the character's specs and image will be displayed on the page
- WHEN I click on the red eraser icon under the character's name
- THEN the character's name will be deleted
- WHEN I click on the green team icon under the character's name
- THEN I will be redirected to a team building page where the character will automatically be brought over
- WHEN I search for a teammates name, select its region from the drop-down option, input the realm, and push the add character button
- THEN the teammate will be added next to the last character, and team specs will be displayed underneath
- WHEN I input a note and click the pencil icon to the right
- THEN a note will be displayed under the character
- WHEN I click on the red eraser icon under the add note section
- THEN the character will be deleted
- WHEN I click logout in the nav bar
- THEN I am logged out and redirected back to the home/landing page
Here are the steps in order to contribute to this project.
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull Request so that we can review your changes
NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from 'main' before making a pull request!
- Github Link:
- Heroku Link:
Monica Yuh:
Matt Peoples:
Bryan Wienhoff:
Levi Mendyk: