This problem is causing HomeSeer to not do what was expected. NOT FOR PLUGINS
A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product
Pull requests that update a dependency file
The issue was reported by a plugin developer
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request for enhancement to an existing feature
This is referenced on the HomeSeer forum
A problem with HS Cloud such as MyHS or Alexa/Google integration
This issue involves changes to core HS systems. NOT FOR PLUGINS
This issue causes the HS System to stop working
An investigation is required to determine how to handle this issue
This issue has been linked to a Jira issue
This issue causes a plugin to stop working
This problem is causing a plugin to not do what was expected
This issue is a request for more information
This issue has been scheduled to be included in a future release
The issue is stale and has not been updated in more than 2 months
This issue is in need of attention
This problem is causing the UI to display something incorrectly
The issue was reported by a user