Epitech Coding Academy : web fundamentals - project my_shop
delivery method: myshop on Github
languages/tools we can only use: PHP, HTML, CSS (Bootstrap, Tailwind and Sass is also OK)
How to use it :
- Import the my_shop.sql file in your MySQL database
- If needed, modify the connexion credentials using your own ones in the static fucntion getDatabase stored in class.php
Website had to have these features :
- Sign in
- Register
- Encrypted passwords
- Administration interface : manage users, products and categories
- Index page (the shop)
- Search bar
- Filters
- No UI/UX given, free to create our very own design
Bonuses I added :
- Products detail page
- Twitter, Facebook and email share
- Possibility to upload an avatar and to display it once connected
- Deleting products or changing an user avatar remove the file from the img folder
My global design :