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Character movement Orion Assistant

Hotride edited this page May 2, 2020 · 3 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

direction - string direction constants:

  • 'North' / 'n' - direction 0

  • 'NorthEast' / 'ne' - direction 1

  • 'East' / 'e' - direction 2

  • 'SouthEast' / 'se' - direction 3

  • 'South' / 's' - direction 4

  • 'SouthWest' / 'sw' - direction 5

  • 'West' / 'w' - direction 6

  • 'NorthWest' / 'nw' - direction 7

void Orion.BlockMoving(state);

Blocks character movement.

bool Orion.CanWalk(direction, x, y, z);

Check for the ability to take a step.

Result: true if you can step from the current coordinates (the turn is considered as a step).

bool Orion.Step(direction, [run=false]);

Request to move a character with the ability to run.

Result: true if the step was successfully made (the turn is considered as a step).

Extended in

bool Orion.WalkTo(x, y, z, [distanceXY=1], [distanceZ=5], [run=2], [openDoor=2]);

Search for the path to the specified coordinates until the specified distance is reached.

run: 0 - walk only, 1 - only run, 2 - depending on Always Run option

openDoor: 0 - do not open doors, 1 - open doors, 2 - depending on the Auto Open Doors option.

Result: true if you have reached the destination or the specified distance.

void Orion.StopWalking();

Cancel the path search.

bool Orion.IsWalking();

Check: whether the character is currently moving (automatic movement).

Result: true if auto-movement is on.

Introduced in

void Orion.Turn('direction');

Trun player request.

PositionObjectList Orion.GetPathArray(endX, endY, [endZ=256], [distanceXY=1], [distanceZ=5], [run=2], [openDoor=2]);

Get a list of waypoints to the specified coordinates.

run: 0 - walk only, 1 - only run, 2 - depending on Always Run option

openDoor: 0 - do not open doors, 1 - open doors, 2 - depending on the Auto Open Doors option.

Result: an array of PositionObject, or an empty array.

PositionObjectList Orion.GetPathArrayEx(startX, startY, [startZ=256], endX, endY, [endZ=256], [distanceXY=1], [distanceZ=5], [run=2], [openDoor=2]);

Get a list of waypoints from the specified coordinates start * to the specified coordinates end *.

run: 0 - walk only, 1 - only run, 2 - depending on Always Run option

openDoor: 0 - do not open doors, 1 - open doors, 2 - depending on the Auto Open Doors option.

Result: an array of PositionObject, or an empty array.

void Orion.SetBadLocation(x, y);

Set the point in the specified coordinates as impassable.

Tiles in these coordinates will be considered impassable without checking (only when working with script functions).

void Orion.ClearBadLocations();

Clear the list of impassable tiles.

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