Please download these modules at first.
- xlrd-1.2.0.dist
- xlwt-1.3.0-dist
- xlutils-2.0.0.dist
- pyqt5-5.11.3.dist
- pyqt5-tools-
And use qtdesigner(pyqt5-tools) to create interface(extension is .ui).
Use cmd to call pyuic to transfer .ui to .py. And edit it.
Download code and figure my logic
a. fill out all forms, excluding row and col of final file
b. push the create button
c. go to the address of final file to check
a. fill out all forms
b. and notice in which(where) rows and colunms you want to fill
c. push the write button
d. go to the address of final file to check
a. fill out all forms
b. and notice which(where) rows and colunms you want to modify
c. push the write button
d. go to the address of final file to check