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Mining Julia General Registry for Package info.

This package is still in an embrionary stage and is not registered.


This package exports a single function called pkg_mining(), which returns a DataFrame with all the currently registered packages and some info about them.

The current columns in the DataFrame are the following

  • name::String: name of the package
  • uuid::String[] - UUID of the package
  • owner::String[] - owner (user or organization) of the package at github or gitlab
  • pkgs_owned::Int[] - number of packages owned by the same owner
  • firstversion::String[] - first registered version of the package
  • lastversion::String[] - latest registered version of the package (according to the Registry queried, which may ot be updated)
  • repo::String[] - url of the github or gitlab repository
  • sha1::String[] - git-tree-sha1 of the latest registered version of the package (see lastversion)

Basic usage

One starts by populating a DataFrame with the package info. You may want to first update the environment with ]up (or similar) to get the current General Registry info.

julia> using DataFrames

julia> using PkgMining

julia> df = pkg_mining()
Mining 6371 packages: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:04
6371×8 DataFrame
  Row │ name                           uuid                               owner                
      │ String                         String                             String               
    1 │ COSMA_jll                      0efae8bf-39e6-5d65-b05d-c8947f4c  JuliaBinaryWrappers  
 6371 │ TopicModelsVB                  dad468f8-6d63-5d40-b2c4-48631a3e  ericproffitt
                                                                 5 columns and 6369 rows omitted

Then, we can query the DataFrame as we wish.

julia> df[df.owner .== "JuliaImages", :name] # list of packages owned by `JuliaImages`
26-element Vector{String}:

julia> df[ .== "BenchmarkTools", :owner] # owner of package `BenchmarkTools`
1-element Vector{String}:

julia> nrow(df[df.owner .== "JuliaAudio", :]) # number of packages owned by JuliaAudio

We can also build another DataFrame with the owners and the number of packages they own (Thanks to ).

julia> df_owners = combine(groupby(df, :owner), nrow => :pkgs_owned)
1772×2 DataFrame
  Row │ owner                pkgs_owned 
      │ String               Int64      
    1 │ JuliaBinaryWrappers         822
    2 │ cite-architecture             7
    3 │ trixi-framework               6
    4 │ wsphillips                    3
 1769 │ focusenergy                   1
 1770 │ chrisbrahms                   1
 1771 │ Datax-package                 1
 1772 │ ericproffitt                  1
                       1764 rows omitted

julia> sort(df_owners, :pkgs_owned, rev = true)[1:15, :]
15×2 DataFrame
 Row │ owner                  pkgs_owned 
     │ String                 Int64      
   1 │ JuliaBinaryWrappers           822
   2 │ SciML                          79
   3 │ JuliaIO                        43
   4 │ scheinerman                    42
   5 │ invenia                        41
   6 │ BioJulia                       41
   7 │ JuliaPOMDP                     40
   8 │ JuliaMath                      39
   9 │ JuliaSmoothOptimizers          37
  10 │ JuliaData                      31
  11 │ tpapp                          30
  12 │ queryverse                     29
  13 │ tkf                            29
  14 │ jump-dev                       29
  15 │ JuliaAI                        27

julia> nrow(df_owners[df_owners.pkgs_owned .≥ 10, :]) # number of owners of 10+ packages

julia> nrow(df_owners[df_owners.pkgs_owned .< 10, :]) # number of owners of less than 10 packages

julia> sum(df_owners.pkgs_owned) # total number of packages from df_owners

julia> sum(df_owners[df_owners.pkgs_owned .≥ 10, :pkgs_owned]) # number of packages in the first group

julia> sum(df_owners[df_owners.pkgs_owned .< 10, :pkgs_owned]) # number of packages in the second group

To do (Contributions are welcome)

  • One plan is to query the repository to extract data such as number of stargazers and watchers, number of forks, number of projects, homepage, and so on. This doesn't need to be included in the DataFrame. We should provide a function that takes the package name and returns the info. The info is contained in[owner]/[package_name_with_dot_jl_if_needed]. For example, checkout out SciML/DifferentialEquations github info.

  • Another idea is to read the General Registry directly from github, so it always picks up the latest version.


Mining Julia General Registry for package info







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