Checkout code
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/hurratech/hurracloud.git git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin master
Install dependencies
# macOS brew install go leveldb tmux protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-go-grpc # Linux (Fedora) dnf install go leveldb leveldb-devel tmux protoc-gen-go
Install Air tool (allows hot reload of Golang app)
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmtrek/air/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
Install node-modules (only needed first time or when pacakge.json has changed)
cd src/samaa docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app node:14.8.0 bash cd /app && npm install exit cd ../..
This will split the terminal windows for you and start all applications (you need to tmux for this, availabla via standard package managers)
Access the UI at http://localhost:8080/
All Go components can be started manually using Go commands as shown below, or using Air tool, in each go submodule there is a config file .air.toml
which can be used to run the app as follows:
air -c .air.toml
The command above should work for all Go submodules. For non-Go submodules (such as Samaa), please see the following subsections.
Install node-modules
cd src/samaa docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app node:14.8.0 bash npm install exit
Run Docker container
docker compose up
Create data directory (one-time)
cd src/jawhar mkdir data # first time
Start Application - two options:
Using Local Souq service (have to start Souq service - see below)
go run cmd/jawhar/jawhar.go -S # Or simply use air (tool that auto-build and reload whenever Go source code change): air -c .air.toml
Or using Production Souq (https://souq.hurracloud.io - currently down ):
go run cmd/jawhar/jawhar.go
Run application
cd src/hagent sudo go run server.go # sudo is needed for Disk and other privileged operations to work # Or simply use air (tool that auto-build and reload whenever Go source code change): sudo air -c .air.toml
Optional: Needed for search and indexing functionalities
cd src/zahif
go run cmd/zahif/zahif.go
# Or simply use air (tool that auto-build and reload whenever Go source code change):
sudo air -c .air.toml
Optional: Needed for App Store functionality
cd src/souq
go run cmd/souq/souq.go
# Or simply use air (tool that auto-build and reload whenever Go source code change):
sudo air -c .air.toml