This module is the IMS API written in Spring Boot. It provides single sign-on authentication and authorisation functionality, backed by Atlasian Crowd. User groups (labeled as roles) are cached to provide a faster lookup.
The Swagger interface for the production deployment is here:
This module is the user login and landing page screens written in Angular.
See the IHTSDO Spring SSO project.
See Crowd Trusted Proxy settings.
Check out the repository and navigate to the identity-service folder. From here run the following:
Run npm install grunt -g
to make the local application aware of your grunt installation.ß
Run npm update
to ensure grunt dependencies are up to date.
Run bower install
to catch all build dependencies.
Run grunt build
to populate the dist folder.
Add the following to your nginx http block (must run on port 8080 unless you change the port proxyed to within the grunt serve script):
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /Users/chrisswires/identity-management/identity-service/src/main/webapp/dist;
location /i18n {
alias /Users/chrisswires/identity-management/identity-service/src/main/webapp/i18;
location /api {
Run grunt serve.
In order to see changes made to styles (for the FE changes should be made within identity-service/src/main/webapp) you will need to re-run grunt build and then grunt serve.
In order to make use of the back-end functionality (log-in out etc) you will need to access the local application via This allows IMS to set cookies against your local deployment.