Step by Step exercises to create an angular 2 application
#Angular2 Composition QuickStart
The Angular2 UI Composition QuickStart sample, illustrates how to use the angular2 building blocks for user interface (UI) composition.
Named locations i.e component tags in our HTML are bound to javascript objects rendering their templates and providing behaviour to accommodate user interaction and data for display.
When a location/tag is displayed at run time/ render time, any components and their children that have been matched-selected for that location will be automatically created and displayed within it.
View placement can happen in Angular 2 either in named outlets used by the router and/or by components and their composition tree of children.
Using Templates, views are programmatically added or removed from a named location by the components that manage them.
The Angular2 UI Composition QuickStart is a resource management system. The main view represents a subset of a larger system. In this window, the user can review detailed information about employees of a company, update their contact information, and view the projects each employee is assigned to.