This strategy allows Idle Best yield to deploy capital in Idle Perpetual Yield Tranches.
Cloneable instance for both tranches deployed at
instance for clearpool / ribbon-
0x7eC173d5bE66c83487f16f1ca304AC72639e80d4 -> bb tranche of cpwinusdc
0xfE92E0973ff0267447f8C711d16A849837C73264 -> bb tranche of cpfolusdc
0xD19f42Ce3b799a4D23176da193673b146968C934 -> bb tranche of rfolusdc
0x3225cb1d7bDFddEA35178FD1667D8BD62afb0DDe -> bb tranche of rwinusdc
0x46e30328920036d7BffCcc14348808bF65C6DaEE -> bb tranche of cpporusdc
0x9115469239A781e52A518158CBAf36FAfc8B2A77 -> bb tranche of cpfasusdt
0xC72e841B460Ec6D3e969e5C457A1961463e12e00 -> bb tranche of cpfasusdc
0xDd585E6e3AcB30594E7b70DCee34400E172cee31 -> aa tranche of cpfoldai
0xFF12A5eaE3E60096c774AD7211AE5C0c5b5Cc0F5 -> aa tranche of cpwinusdc
0x75DA360514532813B460b2Ba30F444A1fa28c9d7 -> aa tranche of rwindai
0xF1fdd2FbB34969B4cD034331D37A7360B0b75c51 -> aa tranche of cpporusdc
0xAC64A8b5Fae61b31F9eDc6e3d15673039D8122B1 -> aa tranche of cpfasusdt
0x3E9A5c91eC8b5022E88d1C2599fE3CD98406D898 -> aa tranche of cpfasusdc
instance for Clearpool DAI pools with PSM- 0x6FA86028323Ba310FE4488F74085De99Ed0264d8 -> aa tranche of cppordai
- 0xBC4c00f28b3023620db7ce398F6df0ac3Bdf952C -> bb tranche of cppordai
Cloneable Euler Staking
-> used directly for bb tranche of eUSDCStaking PYT-
0x6C1a844E3077e6C39226C15b857436a6a92Be5C0 -> aa tranche of eUSDCStaking PYT
0xAB3919896975F43A81325B0Ca98b72249E714e6C -> aa tranche of eUSDTStaking PYT
0xC24e0dd3A0Bc6f19aEEc2d7985dd3940D59dB698 -> aa tranche of eWETHStaking PYT
0xC9C83bEBd31aff93a2353920F2513D372847A517 -> aa tranche of eDAIStaking PYT
0x13b9a2b6434C3b0955F2b164784CB39dFF373C7c -> bb tranche of eUSDTStaking PYT
0x7188A402Ebd2638d6CccB855019727616a81bBd9 -> bb tranche of eDAIStaking PYT
0xD57017632c1e6819370107d8Db4b1D372213a168 -> bb tranche of eWETHStaking PYT
Cloneable Morpho Aave
-> used directly for bb tranche of maUSDC PYT- 0x5Ac8094308918C3566330EEAe7cf4becaDACEc3E -> bb tranche of maUSDT PYT
- 0x37Dd9A73a84bb0EF562C17b3f7aD34001FEdAf38 -> bb tranche of maDAI PYT
- 0x9750c398993862Ebc9C5A30a9F8Be78Daa440677 -> bb tranche of maWETH PYT
Version with minAprSplitAYS
- Cloneable Metamorpho
-> aa tranche of steakUSDC mm vault
Version with minAprSplitAYS
- Cloneable Clearpool
-> aa cpfasUSDT- 0x0fDCdC3dF70420BAD4f7EAD4852F961b5D809Df1 -> aa cpporUSDT
- 0x3303E8432fD58317EfE65CcF968E84835C73d2D6 -> aa cpwincUSDC
- 0xd24A6f07E78165AD865e9Ee2FB6FfF894F5B6A0C -> aa cpbasUSDT
forge install
run tests with the pinned block (although this should not be strictly required):
forge test --fork-url$ALCHEMY_API_KEY --fork-block-number 15867256 -vvv