Run catkin_make
in the catkin workspace
Run catkin_make run_tests
in the repository root directory
We use clang-format to enforce style in the C++ files. You can format all of
your code using catkin_make --make-args clang-format
in the catkin workspace
or ./ clang-format
. It will automatically format all of your .cpp and
.h files.
If you have the docker daemon running, you can just run ./ <target>
where target is either host
or jetson
. It will build your code in
. Docker is a useful tool that lets you run "containers" on any
computer. If you are on Mac or Linux, and have the docker daemon running,
will build your code correctly.
has a few other commands,
which are documented in its -h
Continuous integration is run on Travis CI, through the free open source plan. CI will check that the code builds and the tests pass. In addition, it will run linters on the code.