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Illydth edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 6 revisions

What is wrsDKP?
wrsDKP is a branch of the eqDKP code modified for a Weighted Role System (WRS) of loot distribution, specifically applied to the World of Warcraft game (however this system could be used in any MMORPG with a random roll method of loot distribution).

This branch was taken from the 1.3.2 version of the eqDKP code at MOST Of the code is the original version as shipped with this release, with some modifications to better support the WRS system my guild uses. This repository also hosts an addon to the eqDKP code that allows for the upload of eqDKP strings to the eqDKP system (again modified to better fit my guild’s loot system). At the time of this writing the original code for the mod is hosted at the following URL: and maintained by “loganfive” according to that page.

This repository is intended as a host for an INTERNAL branch of the eqDKP code, used only by my guild. No support/support site is being offered for this code, if you choose to branch / modify this repository you do so on your own.

What is WRS?
WRS is a dkp style Loot Distribution system with an intent to produce more random results than standard DKP style systems. When we started looking into loot distribution we wanted a system that benefitted those who came regularly to raids without completely shutting down/locking out those who were asked to join the raid who may not have raided much in the past. One of the largest problems we saw with DKP systems in general in our experience was that the longer the system was in place the less incentive there was for a new raider to come raid. Given that in most DKP systems there are generally more points entering the system than leaving the system, there comes a time when the top 5 people who are always there have so many points that they can buy any item they want and no one else even has a prayer at obtaining that item for a long time.

We felt, for a family guild, interested in bringing new members in and getting those members into our raid force, that this kind of “benefit the top” system discouraged new raiding since it was unlikely that a new raider could see enough points to purchase any drops for many many raids. We also had heard many stories of players buying items they had no need for simply because they could.

Enter WRS. The system implements a “weighted roll” around the standard 1 – 100 random roll in game.

Each raid attended provides a certain number of “WRS Points” (read DKP). Once a player wishes to roll on an item, he or she adds his currenet WRS to a 1/100 roll. A player with 50 WRS points would roll 51 – 150 to determine whether they win the roll on the item. Players who have attained 100 WRS points are termed “highband”, this is a designation that notes that they have been in the raid enough and have not won an item in a significant period of time. “Highband” rollers are only required to roll against other highband rollers, those with less than 100 WRS points cannot roll on the item against someone with more than 100 WRS points.

When an item is won, the WRS number for the player winning the item is reset to 0 (if the player has less than 100 WRS) or to 1/2 of their current WRS – 100 (a player with 200 WRS winning a roll would be left at 200 – 100 = 100 / 2 = 50 WRS points).

The benefits of the system are:

  • Players who attend raids receive a higher chance at winning a roll than players who have not attended raids, meaning more drops go to people who attend regularly than to people who just periodically show up.
  • Even the player who is on the raid for the first time still has a CHANCE at winning a drop, this provides incentive for raiders who can fill an open spot but who weren’t intending to raid that night to join the raid.
  • Players who have not won (due to unlucky rolls, bad drops, etc.) in a significant period of time are protected from loosing a roll to a “first time in raid” player.
  • Given that most drops will reset the winner back to 0 WRS it provides an even distribution of raid drops across an entire raid force. Everyone in the raid knows that “their turn” is coming up to obtain a drop that will benefit them.

How wrsDKP differs from eqDKP.
wrsDKP is eqDKP with some sections modified. The upload code has new logic built into it to automatically calculate the WRS cost for an item won by a player. When the player data is uploaded to the system, his or her current WRS is checked and the cost of the item is automatically set to make the user’s final WRS match the WRS rules (i.e. if the winner has 50 wrs points, the item’s cost is 50, leaving the winner at 0 wrs. If the winner’s WRS is 200 the item’s cost is set to 150 leaving the winner at 50 points, etc.)

Several small bugs associated with DKs and sorting have also been fixed.

Modifications to this code are ongoing.

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