This package provides a TypeScript client for the Plutus Application Backend. This package will allow developers to interact with the Plutus Application Backend and ChainIndex service.
The Plutus Application Backend is a critical component when interacting with Plutus smart contracts. The API that the PAB provides allows PAB clients to interact with contract application instances. Contract endpoints which are exposed by running instances can be called via the client API.
import {PlutusPabService} from 'plutus-pab-sdk';
const pabService = new PlutusPabService('https://localhost:9080')
const contractResponse = await pabService.activateContract(
'Oracle', // Contract Name
{oracleNft: ''}, // Contract Data
2 // Wallet Id
// contractResponse.unContractInstanceId is contract instance id
await pabService.contractEndpoint(
contractResponse.unContractInstanceId, // Contract Id
'FeedPrice', // Contract Endpoint
{asset: 'iBTC', price: 980} // Endpoint Data
const status = await pabService.contractEndpoint(
contractResponse.unContractInstanceId // Contract Id
// status.cicCurrentState is the contract state.
const websocket = pabService.websocket();
websocket.onmessage = this.onWebSocketMessage.bind(this);
websocket.onerror = this.onWebSocketError.bind(this);
websocket.onopen = this.onWebSocketOpen.bind(this);
import {ChainIndexService} from 'plutus-pab-sdk';
const chainIndex = new ChainIndexService('https://localhost:9083')
const tip = chainIndex.tip();
// tip.tipSlot.getSlot -- Current slot
// tip.tipBlockId -- Current Block
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