It's Store manager web application based on Software as service model. Multiple online stores can be created for sellers as a service, REST API exposed for creating store mobile application to sell goods & a dedicated admin panel available for sellers to manage store, It's Developed using Laravel v7.15.0.
- User/Seller Login/Registration Module
- Customer/Buyer Login/Registration
- Contacts Management Module
- User Management Module
- Role Management Module
- Role Permision Management Module
- Store Mangement Module
- Category Mangement Module
- Product Management Module
- Order Mangement Module
- Frontend purchase flow
- Sales Report Management Module
- Enhancement in User Module and Order Module For Customer Details Mapping
- Storewise Customers Management Module
- Customer Notification Management Module
- Integration token management module for REST API Access
- REST API(s) for all modules for mobile apps
- Payment Methods Mangement Module
- Announcement/Blog/News Management Module
- Support and Contact Module
- MyStore Contact Page Functionality
- POC of googlepay payment method for sellers online payment method in store
Three differenet roles Admin/User/Customer will automatically added in system and both Admin and User have differnet dashboard according to assiged permissions in roles. On new user registration a confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address, Account will activate only when user will click on activation link sent in email address.
Pull Latest code:
- Create Virtual Host & Host Entry in apache configuration and host file and restart apache server
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/storemanager/public/
<Directory /var/www/html/storemanager>
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
service apache2 restart
- Run below command after navigating to application root for refreshing application key & installing database
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
cd public
rm -rf storage
cd ..
php artisan storage:link
Storage:link command needs to be run first time, and it's used when application using media upload feature, it created symlink of internal image folder to public folder, so images can access via url from internal app stoage folder.
Open application using URL
Username: [email protected] Password: admin
Username: [email protected] Password: user
Username: [email protected] Password: customer