Code, diagrams and schematics for a aquarium refill controller
- Checks water level
- If water level is lower than specified, controller turns on a pump
- When pump runs for longer than specified, it is cut off
- Displays time and date
- In future, this will be used for controlling lighting of the aquarium
- At a specific time controller will turn on specific channels
- In future, this will be used for controlling lighting of the aquarium
- Checks temperature of the water
- Arduino UNO
- DS18B20 digital temperature sensor
- Libraries
- OneWire.h (
- DallasTemperature.h (
- Libraries
- DS1302 RTC module
- Libraries
- virtuabotixRTC.h (
- Libraries
- LCD1602 display with i2c module
- Libraries
- Wire.h (
- LiquidCrystal_I2C.h (
- Libraries
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging module
- 4ch relay (Now we are using only one channel, but 3 extra channels are making some room for the future)
- Pushbutton
If you don't have Fritzing and you can't open diagrams and schematics here are screenshots for you:
Below you can see device build using this code and diagrams. Error on a first photo comes from a broken thermometer.