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PLT-1568 Cost for all builtins (#5700)
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Add support for costing all builtins, both in counting and tallying mode.

When run it will get the builtin costing parameters from the data/builtinCostModel.json file. Since the file has to be under the plutus-metatheory folder for cabal to find it, the file is currently copied from the one in plutus-core/cost-model/data/builtinCostModel.json.

It has only been tested manually that cost reports by plc-agda coincide with the ones reported by uplc. There is another ticket for adding automated tests.
  • Loading branch information
mjaskelioff authored Jan 11, 2024
1 parent 81ac3ed commit e2f555f
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,413 additions and 217 deletions.
903 changes: 903 additions & 0 deletions plutus-metatheory/data/builtinCostModel.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions plutus-metatheory/plutus-metatheory.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ author: James Chapman
maintainer: [email protected]
category: Development
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ library
import: lang
hs-source-dirs: src
, aeson
, base
, bytestring
, composition-prelude
Expand All @@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ library
build-depends: integer-gmp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,6 +135,8 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,6 +360,8 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,6 +535,7 @@ executable plc-agda
import: lang
hs-source-dirs: exe
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Paths_plutus_metatheory
, base
, plutus-metatheory
Expand Down
223 changes: 50 additions & 173 deletions plutus-metatheory/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@

# Costs

Expand All @@ -17,15 +16,15 @@ open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Bool using (if_then_else_)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin;zero;suc)
open import Data.Integer using (+_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ;zero;suc;_+_;_*_;_∸_;_⊔_;_⊓_;_<?_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ;zero;suc;_+_;_*_;_∸_;_⊔_;_⊓_;_<ᵇ_;_≡ᵇ_)
open import Data.Nat.DivMod using (_/_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-assoc;+-identityʳ)
open import Data.Nat.Show using () renaming (show to showℕ)
open import Data.Integer using (ℤ;∣_∣)
open import Data.Float using (Float;fromℕ;_÷_;_≤ᵇ_) renaming (show to show𝔽;_*_ to _*f_)
import Data.List as L
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe;just;nothing;maybe)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe;just;nothing;maybe′;fromMaybe) renaming (map to mapMaybe; _>>=_ to _>>=m_ )
open import Data.Product using (_×_;_,_)
open import Data.String using (String;_++_;padLeft;padRight;length)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec;replicate;[];_∷_;sum;foldr)
Expand All @@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ open import Relation.Nullary using (yes;no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;isEquivalence;cong₂)
open import Text.Printf using (printf)
open import Utils using (_,_;_∷_;[];DATA)
open import Utils using (_,_;_∷_;[];DATA;List;map)
open DATA
open import Relation.Binary using (StrictTotalOrder)
Expand All @@ -52,7 +51,9 @@ open import RawU using (TmCon)
open TmCon
open import Builtin.Constant.AtomicType using (AtomicTyCon)
open AtomicTyCon
open import Cost.Base
open import Cost.Model

## Execution Budget
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,27 +127,37 @@ For each constant we return the corresponding size.
byteStringSize : Utils.ByteString → CostingNat
byteStringSize x = let n = ∣ lengthBS x ∣ in ((n ∸ 1) / 8) + 1
-- cost of a Data node
dataNodeMem : CostingNat
dataNodeMem = 4
sizeData : DATA → CostingNat
sizeDataList : List DATA → CostingNat
sizeDataDataList : List (DATA Utils.× DATA) → CostingNat
sizeData (ConstrDATA _ xs) = dataNodeMem + sizeDataList xs
sizeData (MapDATA []) = dataNodeMem
sizeData (MapDATA xs) = dataNodeMem + sizeDataDataList xs
sizeData (ListDATA xs) = dataNodeMem + sizeDataList xs
sizeData (iDATA x) = dataNodeMem + ℕtoWords x
sizeData (bDATA x) = dataNodeMem + byteStringSize x
-- The following tow functions are stupid but
-- they make the termination checker happy
sizeDataDataList [] = 0
sizeDataDataList ((x , y) ∷ xs) = sizeData x + sizeData y + sizeDataDataList xs
sizeDataList [] = 0
sizeDataList (x ∷ xs) = sizeData x + sizeDataList xs
-- This the main sizing function for constants
defaultConstantMeasure : TmCon → CostingNat
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aInteger) x) = ℕtoWords x
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aBytestring) x) = byteStringSize x
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aString) x) = length x -- each Char costs 1
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aUnit) x) = 1
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aBool) x) = 1
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (ConstrDATA _ [])) = 0
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (ConstrDATA i (x ∷ xs))) =
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) x)
+ defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (ConstrDATA i xs))
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (MapDATA [])) = 0
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (MapDATA ((x , y) ∷ xs))) =
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) x)
+ defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) y)
+ defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (MapDATA xs))
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (ListDATA [])) = 0
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (ListDATA (x ∷ xs))) =
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) x)
+ defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (ListDATA xs))
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (iDATA x)) = ℕtoWords x
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) (bDATA x)) = byteStringSize x
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aData) d) = sizeData d
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aBls12-381-g1-element) x) = g1ElementCost
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aBls12-381-g2-element) x) = g2ElementCost
defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (atomic aBls12-381-mlresult) x) = mlResultElementCost
Expand All @@ -159,144 +170,16 @@ defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon (pair t u) (x , y)) =
+ defaultConstantMeasure (tmCon u y)

## Builtin Cost Models

### Basic Definitions

Intercept : Set
Intercept = CostingNat
Slope : Set
Slope = CostingNat

### Models

A model is indexed by the number of arguments.

For example, for `ifThenElse` we would assign a model `constantCost : CostingModel 3`,
which is a model for a builtin that takes three arguments.

For `linearCost` the model takes an index indicating on which argument the cost
should be calculated.

TODO: Finish all models.

data CostingModel : ℕ → Set where
-- Any number of variables
constantCost : ∀{n} → CostingNat → CostingModel n
linearCostIn : ∀{n} → Fin n → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel n
-- at least two arguments
addedSizes : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel (2 + n)
multipliedSizes : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel (2 + n)
minSize : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel (2 + n)
maxSize : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel (2 + n)
-- exactly two arguments
-- twoArgumentsLinearInXAndY : Intercept → Slope → Slope → CostingModel 2
twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes : Intercept → Slope → CostingNat → CostingModel 2
-- twoArgumentsLinearOnDiagonal : CostingNat → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel 2
twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal : CostingNat → CostingModel 2 → CostingModel 2
-- twoArgumentsConstBelowDiagonal : CostingNat → CostingModel 2 → CostingModel 2

A model of a builtin consists of a pair of costing models, one for CPU and one for memory.

record BuiltinModel (b : Builtin) : Set where
costingCPU costingMem : CostingModel (arity b)
open BuiltinModel

For now, we define a static function to assign a model to the arithmetic builtins,
and `ifThenElse`.

TODO: Construct the assignment for all builtins from json file.

assignModel : (b : Builtin) → BuiltinModel b
assignModel addInteger =
record { costingCPU = maxSize 205665 812
; costingMem = maxSize 1 1 }
assignModel subtractInteger =
record { costingCPU = maxSize 205665 812
; costingMem = maxSize 1 1 }
assignModel multiplyInteger =
record { costingCPU = addedSizes 69522 11687
; costingMem = addedSizes 0 1 }
assignModel divideInteger =
record { costingCPU = twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal 196500 (multipliedSizes 453240 220)
; costingMem = twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes 0 1 1 }
assignModel quotientInteger =
record { costingCPU = twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal 196500 (multipliedSizes 453240 220)
; costingMem = twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes 0 1 1 }
assignModel remainderInteger =
record { costingCPU = twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal 196500 (multipliedSizes 453240 220)
; costingMem = twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes 0 1 1 }
assignModel modInteger =
record { costingCPU = twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal 196500 (multipliedSizes 453240 220)
; costingMem = twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes 0 1 1 }
assignModel equalsInteger =
record { costingCPU = minSize 208512 421
; costingMem = constantCost 1 }
assignModel lessThanInteger =
record { costingCPU = minSize 208896 511
; costingMem = constantCost 1 }
assignModel lessThanEqualsInteger =
record { costingCPU = minSize 204924 473
; costingMem = constantCost 1 }
assignModel ifThenElse =
record { costingCPU = constantCost 80556
; costingMem = constantCost 1 }
assignModel _ = --TODO rest of builtins (or rather implement constructing model from json)
record { costingCPU = constantCost 0
; costingMem = constantCost 0 }

### Model interpretations

Some helper functions.

prod : ∀ {n} → Vec ℕ n → ℕ
prod = foldr _ _*_ 1
maximum minimum : ∀ {n} → Vec ℕ (suc n) → ℕ
maximum (a ∷ xs) = foldr _ _⊔_ a xs
minimum (a ∷ xs) = foldr _ _⊓_ a xs

Given a model and the sizes of the arguments we can compute a cost.

runModel : ∀{n} → CostingModel n → Vec CostingNat n → CostingNat
runModel (constantCost x) _ = x
runModel (linearCostIn n i s) xs = i + s * lookupVec xs n
runModel (addedSizes i s) xs = i + s * (sum xs)
runModel (multipliedSizes i s) xs = i + s * (prod xs)
runModel (minSize i s) xs = i + s * minimum xs
runModel (maxSize i s) xs = i + s * maximum xs
runModel (twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes i s min) (a ∷ b ∷ []) = i + s * (min ⊔ (a ∸ b))
runModel (twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal c m) (a ∷ b ∷ []) with a <? b
... | yes _ = c
... | no _ = runModel m (a ∷ b ∷ [])

### Cost of executing a builtin
## Cost of executing a builtin

To calculate the cost of a builtin we obtain the corresponding builtin model,
and run the cpu and memory model using the vector of argument sizes.

builtinCost : (b : Builtin) → Vec CostingNat (arity b) → ExBudget
builtinCost b cs = let bc = assignModel b
in mkExBudget (runModel (costingCPU bc) cs) (runModel (costingMem bc) cs)
builtinCost : (b : Builtin) → BuiltinModel (arity b) → Vec CostingNat (arity b) → ExBudget
builtinCost b bc cs = mkExBudget (runModel (costingCPU bc) cs) (runModel (costingMem bc) cs)

## Default Machine Parameters

Expand All @@ -305,23 +188,19 @@ The default machine parameters for `ExBudget`.
TODO : For now we will define fixed costs. Later, we should
implement getting these values from the `cekMachineCosts.json` file.
Probably, we will do this by reusing Haskell code.

defaultCekMachineCost : StepKind → ExBudget
defaultCekMachineCost _ = mkExBudget 23000 100
defaultCekStartupCost : ExBudget
defaultCekStartupCost = mkExBudget 100 100
exBudgetCategoryCost : ExBudgetCategory → ExBudget
exBudgetCategoryCost (BStep x) = defaultCekMachineCost x
exBudgetCategoryCost (BBuiltinApp b cs) = builtinCost b cs
exBudgetCategoryCost BStartup = defaultCekStartupCost
exBudgetCategoryCost : ModelAssignment → ExBudgetCategory → ExBudget
exBudgetCategoryCost _ (BStep x) = defaultCekMachineCost x
exBudgetCategoryCost assignModel (BBuiltinApp b cs) = builtinCost b (assignModel b) cs
exBudgetCategoryCost _ BStartup = mkExBudget 100 100
defaultMachineParameters : MachineParameters ExBudget
defaultMachineParameters = record {
startupCost = defaultCekStartupCost
; cekMachineCost = exBudgetCategoryCost
defaultMachineParameters : ModelAssignment → MachineParameters ExBudget
defaultMachineParameters assignModel = record {
cekMachineCost = exBudgetCategoryCost assignModel
; ε = ε€
; _∙_ = _∙€_
; costMonoid = isMonoidExBudget
Expand All @@ -333,7 +212,6 @@ countingReport (mkExBudget cpu mem) =
"\nCPU budget: " ++ showℕ cpu
++ "\nMemory budget: " ++ showℕ mem

## Tallying budget

These functions define a type for Budgets that can record detailed cost information
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,15 +262,14 @@ isMonoidTallyingBudget = record {
; assoc = TallyingBudget-assoc }
; identity = (λ x → refl) , Tallying-budget-identityʳ }
tallyingCekMachineCost : ExBudgetCategory → TallyingBudget
tallyingCekMachineCost k =
let spent = exBudgetCategoryCost k
tallyingCekMachineCost : ModelAssignment → ExBudgetCategory → TallyingBudget
tallyingCekMachineCost am k =
let spent = exBudgetCategoryCost am k
in singleton (mkKeyFromExBudgetCategory k) spent , spent
tallyingMachineParameters : MachineParameters TallyingBudget
tallyingMachineParameters = record {
startupCost = tallyingCekMachineCost BStartup
; cekMachineCost = tallyingCekMachineCost
tallyingMachineParameters : ModelAssignment → MachineParameters TallyingBudget
tallyingMachineParameters am = record {
cekMachineCost = tallyingCekMachineCost am
; ε = εT
; _∙_ = _∙T_
; costMonoid = isMonoidTallyingBudget
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,4 +334,4 @@ tallyingReport (mp , budget) =
if 1e6 ≤ᵇ t then (printf "%f μs" (t ÷ 1e6)) else
if 1e3 ≤ᵇ t then (printf "%f ns" (t ÷ 1e3)) else
printf "%f ps" t
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions plutus-metatheory/src/Cost/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,11 +83,14 @@ The CEK machine is parameterised by the following machine parameters.

record MachineParameters (Cost : Set) : Set where
startupCost : Cost
cekMachineCost : ExBudgetCategory → Cost
ε : Cost
_∙_ : Cost → Cost → Cost
costMonoid : IsMonoid _≡_ _∙_ ε
constantMeasure : TmCon → CostingNat
startupCost : Cost
startupCost = cekMachineCost BStartup

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⚠️ Performance Alert ⚠️

Possible performance regression was detected for benchmark 'Plutus Benchmarks'.
Benchmark result of this commit is worse than the previous benchmark result exceeding threshold 1.05.

Benchmark suite Current: e2f555f Previous: 81ac3ed Ratio
validation-decode-future-pay-out-2 337.7 μs 321.5 μs 1.05

This comment was automatically generated by workflow using github-action-benchmark.

CC: @input-output-hk/plutus-core

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