A sample application for testing Device management feature of Azure IoT Hub
Device sample App using Nodejs Usage:
node app.js <IoTHub name> <deviceId> <device key>
Service App to manage device using c# Usage:
/Ids:<string> DeviceId or JobId. (short form /d)
/QueryCondition:<string> Query condition for query/schedule job actions (short form /q)
/Names:<string> The name of tag, property or method (short form /n)
/Values:<string> The value of tag/property, or parameter in JSON for the method (short form /v)
/StartOffsetInSeconds:<int> Default value:'0' (short form /o)
/TimeoutInSeconds:<int> Default value:'3600' (short form /t)
/C2DMessage:<string> (short form /m)
Example 1: Create four devices in the target IoT Hub, with tag ‘OEMName’ and desired property ‘fwversion’
IoTHubConsole /a:AddDevices /d:Dev1 /d:Dev2 /d:Dev3 /d:Dev4 /n:tags.OEMName /v:"ACME Inc." /n:fwversion /v:0.9
Example 2: Query for all devices
IoTHubConsole /a:QueryDevices
Example 3: Query for devices with tag city = beijing
IoTHubConsole /a:QueryDevices /q:"SELECT * FROM devices WHERE tags.city='beijing'"
Example 4: Update tag location.city = shanghai for given devices
IoTHubConsole /a:UpdateTwin /n:tags.location.city /v:shanghai /d:Dev1 /d:Dev2
Example 5: Schdule job to update device tag location.city = shanghai for devices which OEMName = ACME Inc.
IoTHubConsole /a:ScheduleTwinUpdate /q:"tags.OEMName='ACME Inc.'" /n:tags.location.city /v:shanghai
Example 6: Query for all jobs
IoTHubConsole /a:QueryJobs
Example 7: Query job for given devices
IoTHubConsole /a:QueryJobs /q:"SELECT * FROM devices.jobs WHERE devices.jobs.deviceId IN ('Dev1', 'Dev2')"
Example 8: Query all failed twin updating jobs
IoTHubConsole /a:QueryJobSummary /q:"{'Type': 'ScheduleUpdateTwin', 'Status': 'failed'}"
Binary of IoTHubConsole