A useful QuizBowl scoreboard web app using AngularJS, PHP Websockets (instead of Node due to certain obstacles at the beginning of development), and MySQL databases.
- Be sure your server supports websocket connections on port 8080.
- If so, upload the QuizBowlScoreboard folder to your server.
- Through SSH, start app.php in the php directory.
- You may now use the scoreboard web application to connect to the competition database system.
Note: if your server did not support websockets, you can still use the scoreboard standalone.
- Click either team name to change team names.
- Change special properties in the Properties menu.
- Left Click a score to add 5 to it.
- Right Click a score or click -5 to subtract 5 points. You cannot go below zero.
- Click +1 to add one to a score ONLY IF both teams are tied.
- Click Function -> Start Game to connect to a competition.
- Click Function -> Finalize Scores to end a game in a competition.
- Click Function -> Reset Scoreboard to reset the scoreboard.
- Find additional help in the Help menu.