This package implements a few polynomial basis types, convenient methods for evaluation, derivatives up to second order and (hopefull fast) batched evaluation. The bases currently implemented include:
: univariate polynomial bases specified in terms of the 3-point recursion. Convenient constructors are provided for Jacobi polynomials (jacobi_basis
) and for orthogonality w.r.t. a discrete weight distribution (cfDiscreteWeights
: monomials, included mostly for completenessCTrigBasis
: complex trigonometric polynomialsRTrigBasis
: real trigonometric polynomialsRTrigBasis
: real trigonometric polynomialsCYlmBasis
: complex spherical harmonicsRYlmBasis
: real spherical harmonicsCRlmBasis
: complex solid harmonicsRRlmBasis
: real solid harmonicsChebBasis
: chebyshev polynomials of the first kind- several radial bases for atomic orbitals: Slater, STO, STO-NG
Generate a basis: by default this generates not the standard Chebyshev, Legendre, etc, but a normalized version i.e. the basis functions will have unit norm in the corresponding weighted L2 norm.
using Polynomials4ML
# polynomial degree - 1 (length of basis)
N = 15
# standard orthogonal bases
cheb = chebyshev_basis(N)
legendre = legendre_basis(N)
jacobi = jacobi_basis(N, 0.5, 0.75)
trig = CTrigBasis(N)
# orthogonal polynomials with discrete weights
X = 2*rand(100) .- 1
W = 1 .+ rand(100)
dbasis = orthpolybasis(N, X, W, :normalize)
Evaluate a basis; take basis
one of the above
basis = cheb
# assume that [0, 1] is part of the domain of the basis
x = rand()
# evaluate the basis
P = basis(x)
P = evaluate(basis, x)
# basis derivatives
dP = evaluate_d(basis, x)
P, dP = evaluate_ed(basis, x)
# second derivatives
ddP = evaluate_dd(basis, x)
P, dP, ddP = evaluate_ed2(basis, x)
For more efficient non-allocating in-place evaluation, see the documenation.