"KSP 1.1 Turbo Charged! - Release"
Added first-cut KSPedia Pages - this is really just testing out this feature and is a very rough first cut. Plans to expand and improve this.
Support for NEW RPM - JSIAdvTransparentPods - no longer supports the OLD RPM TJSITransparentPods. You need RPM - JSITransparentPods V0.25.0 or above.
Support for Kerbalism Mod.
Minor Bugs (fix in next version):
- When you freeze/thaw from internal cam (alternate camera) the camera loses the transform reference point at the end of the process.
- When inside the CRY-0300 with the External Doors closed, if you zoom out strange camera effects mean the door is only partially visible.
- The screen messages when in Cryopod-Camera mode are not showing all the kerbal's names.
- When you change settings from Stock to Toolbar and change scenes, the toolbar appears, but stock button is still there. A restart or several scene changes fixes it.
- When there is a Kerbal on the ladder in front of the CRY-0300 and the doors are open the Internal Overlays the kerbal and blocks them from view. This is actually an RPM - JSIAdvTransparentPods bug.
- The CRY-0300R has lost it's ability to show cool Window Freeze/Thawing animation effects.
Issues with release:
Background Processing is not available under KSP 1.1. Unless the mod author updates it soon I will look to put my own EC background processing into DeepFreeze. For now if you are using EC usage the non-Background Processing method still works (it plays catch-up when you swith to the vessel).
There is no version of TAC LS for KSP 1.1 - so it is not currently supported.