A dragable, easy customizable, popup menu.
Online Demo powered by appetize
You should use your own menu, not SRPPopupMenu.
Follow the steps to create your custom menu or reference the DemoMenu class.
Create your custom menu subclass SRPPopupMenu.
Override the method awakeFromNib
and setting the animation properties.
Don't forget to call
[super awakeFromNib]
- (void)awakeFromNib
[super awakeFromNib];
self.otherButtonsAnimationDuration = .5f;
self.otherButtonsAnimationDamping = .4f;
self.otherButtonsPosionStartAngle = -90.0f;
self.othersButtonDistanceFromCenter = 120.0f;
self.mainButtonAnimationDuration = .5f;
self.mainButtonAnimationDamping = .6f;
Create a xib file named with your custom menu class name.
Disable the AutoLayout and Size-Class.
Drag a button to be MainButton, and connect to IBOutlet.
Drag some buttons to be otherButtons, and conncet to IBCollections.
Important: you must to set the button tag, start 1 to N.
Now you can use your custom menu.
// Show the menu
[[YourMenu singleton]show];
// Hide the menu
[[YourMenu singleton]hide];
The SRPPopupMenu using NSNotification to handle button clicked,
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self
- (void)__menuButtonClickedNotification:(NSNotification *)sender
NSNumber *tag = sender.object;
NSLog(@"%@", tag);
If you want to handle the menu open / close, you must implement the SRPPopupMenuProtocol methods.
Also see DemoMenu class.
// Menu will open
- (void)menuWillOpen
// Menu opened
- (void)menuDidOpen
// Menu will close
- (void)menuWillClose
// Menu closed
- (void)menuDidClose