Houston is a React based dashboard for monitoring Arduino boards during operation. I built it to monitor my university's wind turbine, but it can be used for any Arduino board.
- Cleaner UI
Live GraphsSave Data to File- Max,min,etc for variables
- Migrate to Typescript
- Configuring Variables Live
- Installation Guide
Please ensure you have the following installed
- NodeJS
- Python3
- Pip
- Clone the repo
- Move Dashboard.h into your Arduino project
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Install Python packages
pip install aiohttp python-socketio pyserial
- Send data from Arduino to the dashboard by including Dashboard.h and then
Dashboard::telemetry("Header", "Telemetry");
- Then put the following at the end of everything
- Start the python server by doing
python Server.py
- Start the dashboard by doing
npm start
- Change the port your Arduino is connected to and hit Attach
This is used to modify a value within the system
- Format: <BH3s[f/I]I
- B: packet id, used to specify type of action
- H: Number of bytes contained in string data. For modify packet:3
- [#]s: First byte will specify numeric data's type. F for float, I for integer,B for boolean. The next 2 byte will be the variable name to change
- [f/I]: The actual numeric data specified by previous, boolean still uses I
- I: checksum of 3s[f/I] data