3.7.0 - The 2nd Animation Update
New Animation Features
Particle effect renderer
Animation motion trails
Experimental Inverse Kinematics (IK) editing in animation mode
Added colorable keyframes
Added animation properties dialog
Added method to stretch selection of keyframes by holding Ctrl and dragging
Preview of custom animation time update variables
Added support for blend_weight with preview
Animations can now be loaded from multiple different files
Bedrock animations are now imported from entity files automatically
Animations can now maintain bones that do not exist in the current model
Waveform preview of sound keyframes in the timeline
MoLang syntax highlighting in keyframe input fields
Animations now support and automatically detect individual snapping settings
Animation playback is now based on real time
Added actions to jump back and forth in the timeline by one frame, bound to comma and period
Added smooth interpolation mode for keyframes (Requires MC Bedrock 1.16.100 or newer!)
Added support for discontinuous keyframes and multiple effects per keyframe
Misc Features and Changes
New Skin models: Flat Texture, Cube, Armor
New Display Mode skin
Added Material Instances editor for MC Bedrock block geometries
Modded entity format now supports cube rotations
Transparent faces are now click-through, meaning you can select and paint things behind them
Transparent faces are now removed in glTF export
Added menu bar to switch panels on mobile devices
Added keybinding labels to menus and tooltips
Resolving groups now applies the group's transformation to the content
Added setting to toggle minifying .bbmodel files
Added setting to toggle anti-aliasing
Sample texture now repeats if UV is bigger than texture
Added padding option to texture template generator
Mouse wheel scrolling is now supported in keybindings
Brush settings are now saved individually per tool
Using number sliders now locks the mouse position so you are longer restricted by screen boundaries
Added selection argument to select by marker color
Option to restore default preview backgrounds
Technical Changes
Updated Electron to 8.5.2
Updated Three.js to r120
Added live updating conditions inside dialog forms
Added property API support for all save-relevant classes
Added max_version property for plugins to prevent installation in newer versions (Only use in very specific cases!)
#678 Opening .bbmodel files on macOS loads Blockbench but not project
Ctrl + S in Skin format saves project instead of just texture
Group folding caret is hidden in animation mode when group only contains locators
Skin preset for the hoglin uses an outdated model
Fix transform space issues of pivot tool
You can’t perform that action at this time.