In relation to ONLINE Full Stack Web Development End-Semester Practical Examination of JUNE 2021 the following is to be noted:
Firstly, you need to fork this repository so that you can push the changes to your repository and then finally create a pull request to it.
NOTE - Don't forget to FORK the repository, otherwise, you will not be able to push the code and make pull requests.
You need to create a new folder inside the directory of your section.
Your directory should have following format - ClassRollNo_UniversityRoll_No_FirstName_Last_Name.
1.Write a program to create employee table and read employee information like emp_no, emp_name, deptt and mob_no from employee table and display all this information on the output screen. (7.5 Marks)
- Write a program to Set the background color red of the paragraph element also Blink the text using jQuery. (7.5 Marks)