Contributors: Jemuel Stanley Premkumar ([email protected]), Harikrishnan Seetharaman ([email protected]) and Gautham Ganesh Prasad
This B.Tech final project focuses on the development of a grasp localization system, employing state-of-the-art
methods namely GQ-CNN and ContactGraspNet for executing grasps on novel objects. The project centers on
the ABB YuMi Dual-arm Cobot, requiring the development of the entire system from its conceptualization.
Primary activities encompassed the establishment of seamless communication among the robot controller,
server, and the vision machine client. A critical aspect of the project involved configuring the vision system,
incorporating an overhead Kinect RGB-D camera, and addressing camera calibration and depth estimation
The undertaken responsibilities predominantly revolved around robot control, vision system setup, and the
integration of all subsystems.
Keywords: manipulation, grasp localization, robot control, computer vision
Windows -
Linux -
2. Download or clone the repository for the GQCNN version 1.3.0 (.zip,.tgz) from the link (
• It is advised to have everything installed in (base) of the Anaconda package, however, a new environment can be created with python version 3.6.
3. Install Tensorflow-GPU or Tensorflow-CPU in the environment where you are planning to use GQCNN version 1.3.0
Tensorflow-CPU: tensorFlow-1.15.0
Tensorflow-GPU: tensorflow_gpu-1.15.0 , cuDNN = 7.4 , CUDA = 10
conda install tensorflow=1.15.0
It is advisable to use conda install as it takes care of dependencies in the activated environment.
• Make the working directory to (gqcnn-1.3.0) as all the commands will be executed with this as a base folder. Run the command “pip install .”, to install gqcnn and other requirements to run the gqcnn package.
• autolab-core, autolab-perception, visualization, numpy, opencv-python, scipy, matplotlib, tensorflow-gpu<=1.15.0, scikit-learn, scikit-image, gputil, psutil
• Make sure the above-mentioned packages are installed as part of the pip installation before proceeding further.
• The ROS dependencies require you to install the autolab-core package as a catkin package in the catkin workspace to utilize its functionality (If ROS is used in the project kindly look into ROS installation in gqcnn documentation)
• The pre-trained model is tested for inference in Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver).
• Go to the directory ( gqcnn-1.3.0/scripts/downloads ) execute the command:
chmod + x
to enable access to run shell commands.
• Run the shell file using the command
This should start the installation of pre-trained models inside a model
directory with files including GQCNN-2.0
, GQCNN-2.1
, GQCNN-3.0
, GQCNN-4.0-PJ
• Move the scripts
folder which is present inside the gqcnn-1.3.0
directory and paste it into the examples
• Go to inside gqcnn-1.3.0/examples
and change line 121-122 to the following:
This is to set the model directory to your pre-trained model from which the configuration file, and checkpoints file will be loaded for your pre-trained model.
• Make sure you have the following files in,
- architecture.json
- checkpoint
- config.json
- im_mean.npy
- im_std.npy
- model.ckpt.index
- model.ckpt.meta
- pose_mean.npy
- pose_std.npy
• These files are required to get inference from which is present in
• Go to the python script and change line 42 to “import TensorFlow.train as tcf” , as the original contrib package is now deprecated and the functionality for (list_variables) is switched to train module.
• Add the following lines at the start of the script to suppress all warnings during runtime of python policy,
import warnings
• Run the sample python policy as given in the documentation for the sample dataset present in gqcnn-1.3.0/data/examples
• To execute the inference go-to base folder which is gqcnn-1.3.0 then run the following python policy in the command prompt as given below"
$ python examples/ GQCNN-4.0-PJ --depth_image data/examples/clutter/phoxi/dex-net_4.0/depth_0.npy --segmask data/examples/clutter/phoxi/dex-net_4.0/segmask_0.png --camera_intr data/calib/phoxi/phoxi.intr
• The policy can be modified to run inference for a single object as well by changing the depth image and segmask directory to the following,
• To view other grasp parameters add the following lines after line 255 of
print("grasp pose details : {}".format(action.grasp.pose()))
print("Approach axis: {} , Approach angle:{}".format(action.grasp.approach_axis,action.grasp.approach_angle))
print("Contact Points: {}".format(action.grasp.contact_points))
print("Width: {} , Width_px: {}".format(action.grasp.width,action.grasp.width_px))
print("Centre: {}".format(
print("Endpoints: {}".format(action.grasp.endpoints))"Planning took %.3f sec" % (time.time() - policy_start))
• The training dataset of size 8.0 GB can be downloaded for GQCNN-4.0-PJ (parallel jaw) using: