This is a simple plot management snap-in for CommandHelper. I hope that it will become a simple interface for worldguard, and a replacement for more advanced plot management plugins.
- generate a custom plot floor pattern
- allow players to claim/unclaim plots
- set the default number of plots a member can have
- allow members to allow certain players to build on their plot
- allow admins/mods to build on any plot
- WorldEdit(5.3+)
- WorldGuard(5.0+)
- Jessassin-CH-CommonMethods (1.0.0+)
- Worldborder (looking at alternatives)
- /plot <Action> <Arguments>
- generate <Block1,Block2,Block3,Block4>
- claim <Name of schematic to load>
- unclaim <Name of schematic to save>
- info
- playerinfo
- Member <add/remove> <player>
- Guest <add/remove> <player>
- Lock <on/off> Plot lock prevents accidental /plot unclaim or /plot generate
- Mode <Member/Guest/None> Plot mode sets all players access lebel to plot
- Reserve <user> <reason> reserves plot for user, specify reason (32 char limit)
- Map <plot> Teleports you to the plot map, if plot is specified, teleports you to plot on map
- Warp <plot> Teleports you to center of plot specified
- Load <Schematic Name> Loads schematic onto current plot, replacing existing content
- Save <Schematic Name> Saves current plot to schematic
- ch.all OR commandhelper.all = Required for all commands
- Jessassin.plot.admin
- Jessassin.plot.command
- Jessassin.plot.claim
- Jessassin.plot.unclaim
- Jessassin.plot.generate
- Jessassin.plot.member
- Jessassin.plot.guest
- Jessassin.plot.lock
- Jessassin.plot.mode
- Jessassin.plot.reserve
- Jessassin.plot.warp
- Jessassin.plot.load
- player_plotcount,"Number of plots owned by player"
- player_maxplotcount,"Number of plots player can still claim"
- player_plotarray,array(plot1addr,plot2addr,plot3addr,etc.)
- player_mapmotto
- plotaddress_owner
- plotaddress_memberarray,array(member1,member2,member3)
- plotaddress_guestarray,array(guest1,guest2,guest3)
- plotaddress_plotmode
- plotaddress_plotlock (bool)
- plotaddress_plotreservedfor array(player,reason)
- Remove redundant persistance value "player_plotcount" can use length(player_plotarray)
- Implement plot unclaiming
- implement member add/remove
- implement guest add/remove
- implement plot lock
- implement plot mode
- finish implementation of plot map
- Implement plot saving
- Implement plot loading
- add worldguard integration
- worldborder integration / replacement with other system
- improve speed of plot floor generation
- allow for more variables, like default number of plots
- add administrative commands
- reduce chat spam
- integrate pre-programmed code, that was removed for rewriting
- integrate "override everything" model
- Allow all perameters to be overridden, including player,plot,location,etc.
- for example /plot claim 10101 someplayer (with plot.admin) claims 10101 as someplayer