For the purpose of illustration, consider that this application is running on localhost:8080.
Spring MVC, EasyRules, Morphia with MongoDB
###Part 1 : Infromation from Sensors Different sensors communicate with this application using RESTful web services. Each sensor sends weight information every 5 seconds by sending data to http://localhost:8080/weight using HTTP post request. The data can be as following:
{"timeStamp": "1502586399207", "value": "150"}
To view all the data between specific time-range use following HTTP Get request.
A sample output for HTTP Get request is shown below:
"id": { "timestamp": 1502652954, "machineIdentifier": 5833587, "processIdentifier": 12896, "counter": 6738920, "time": 1502652954000, "date": 1502652954000,"timeSecond": 1502652954 },
"sesonrIP": "",
"timeStamp": 1502652953725,
"value": 150
###Part 2 : Notification based on Rules We want to notify user when the weight reported by a sensor falls below 10% or goes above 10%. To perform this, I have used EasyRules(
This app will automatically identify the IP address of Sensor. If a sensor sends request for a first time then it will be considered as a base value.
Notify endpoint can be used to see all notifications or notifications within a range. You can use following HTTP GET requests:
Clone it and use it. It has main method which will start server on it's own.
HTTP Get request can be modified to fetch sensor specific data.