Client Server
| |
| |
+----->| Header: GET (T=NON, Code=0.01, MID=0x7d40)
| GET | Token: 0x75
| | Uri-Path: "temperature"
| |
| |
|<-----+ Header: 2.05 Content (T=NON, Code=2.05, MID=0xad7d)
| 2.05 | Token: 0x75
| | Payload: "22.3 C"
| |
Figure 22: Non-confirmable Request; Non-confirmable Response
Name: not_safe
- Message type -> Non Confirmable
- Message code -> GET (0.1)
- Message ID -> Any
- Uri-Path -> "temperature"
- Token -> VALUE_A
- Message type -> Non Confirmable
- Message code -> Content (2.05)
- Token -> VALUE_A
- Payload -> MeshLocalID
Test with libcoap:
coap-client -m get -N coap://[$ot ipaddr mleid]/temperature -v 9
Client Server Client Server
| | | |
| CON [0xbc90] | | CON [0xbc91] |
| GET /temperature | | GET /temperature |
| (Token 0x71) | | (Token 0x72) |
+----------------->| +----------------->|
| | | |
| ACK [0xbc90] | | ACK [0xbc91] |
| 2.05 Content | | 4.04 Not Found |
| (Token 0x71) | | (Token 0x72) |
| "22.5 C" | | "Not found" |
|<-----------------+ |<-----------------+
| | | |
Figure 4: Two GET Requests with Piggybacked Responses
Name: dodgy_pig
- Message type -> Confirmable
- Message code -> GET (0.1)
- Message ID -> VALUE_MSG_ID
- Uri-Path -> "luminosity"
- Token -> VALUE_TOKEN
- Message type -> Acknowledgment
- Message code -> Content (2.05)
- Message ID -> VALUE_MSG_ID
- Token -> VALUE_TOKEN
- Payload -> MeshLocalID
Test with libcoap:
coap-client -m get coap://[$ot ipaddr mleid]/luminosity -v 9
Name: divorce_confirmation
- Message type -> Confirmable
- Message code -> GET (0.1)
- Message ID -> VALUE_MSG_ID_A
- Uri-Path -> "luminosity"
- Token -> VALUE_TOKEN_A
- Message type -> Acknowledgment
- Message code -> Empty (0.00)
- Message ID -> VALUE_MSG_ID_A
- Message type -> Confirmable
- Message code -> Content (2.05)
- Message ID -> VALUE_MSG_ID_B
- Token -> VALUE_TOKEN_A
- Payload -> MeshLocalID
- Message type -> Aknowledgment
- Message code -> Empty (0.00)
- Message ID -> VALUE_MSG_ID_B
Test with libcoap:
coap-client -m get coap://[$ot ipaddr mleid]/air_quality -v 9
Client Server
| |
| |
+----->| Header: GET (T=CON, Code=0.01, MID=0x7d38)
| GET | Token: 0x53
| | Uri-Path: "temperature"
| |
| |
|<- - -+ Header: (T=ACK, Code=0.00, MID=0x7d38)
| |
| |
|<-----+ Header: 2.05 Content (T=CON, Code=2.05, MID=0xad7b)
| 2.05 | Token: 0x53
| | Payload: "22.3 C"
| |
| |
+- - ->| Header: (T=ACK, Code=0.00, MID=0xad7b)
| |
Figure 20: Confirmable Request; Separate Response
Client Server
| |
| |
+----->| Header: GET (T=CON, Code=0.01, MID=0x7d39)
| GET | Token: 0x64
| | Uri-Path: "temperature"
| |
|<- - -+ Header: (T=ACK, Code=0.00, MID=0x7d39)
| |
| |
|<-----+ Header: 2.05 Content (T=CON, Code=2.05, MID=0xad7c)
| 2.05 | Token: 0x64
| | Payload: "22.3 C"
| |
| |
+- - ->| Header: (T=RST, Code=0.00, MID=0xad7c)
| |
Figure 21: Confirmable Request; Separate Response (Unexpected)
In order to test this examples you should:
- Install the nrf-5x SDK (tested in version 1.4.0)
- Pull this repository to <name_of_folder> out of the SDK path
- Copy to samples/openthread/
$ cp -r <name_of_folder> ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/../nrf/samples/openthread/
- Open terminal in the SDK folder
$ cd ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/../nrf/samples/openthread/<name_of_folder>
- For nrf52840dk
$ west build --b nrf52840dk_nrf52840
- For nrf52833dk
$ west build --b nrf52833dk_nrf52833
There are 2 different devices:
- Open JLinkExe
- nrf52833dk binary
$ sudo JLinkExe -device NRF52833_XXAA -if swd -speed 1000
- nrf52833dk binary
$ sudo JLinkExe -device NRF52840_XXAA -if swd -speed 1000
- nrf52833dk binary
- Connect to device
$ connect
- Erase previous flash content
$ erase
- Flash .hex file
$ loadfile bin/<name_of_file>
- /dev/ttyACM0 -> nrf52840dk
- /dev/ttyACM1 -> nrf52840 dongle (ot-br)
- /dev/ttyACM2 -> nrf52833dk
Connect to ot-br:
$ sudo ot-ctl
Connect to other devices:
$ screen <device_name> 115200