An extension for Google Chrome that augments the anime torrent tracking site with extra functionality. It keeps an editable list of your watched anime making it convenient to locate new releases.
It has the following capabailities:
- provides an options page to add new anime (fansubber, title, fidelity, release date)
- adds a side bar containing your watch-list to the right side of the page
- clicking on titles in the side bar automatically searches nyaa for that title
- optionally associate anime-planet anime profiles with your watched anime.
- optionally make nyaas seach default to 'english-translated anime'
- highlights anime on the page that matches anime in your watch-list
- highlights anime in the side bar whose release date matches todays date
- add the ability to sort sidebar anime by release date
- do not highlight episodes you have already downloaded
- add convenience links to your fansubbers nyaa-user-page
- auto-convert trusted fansubber tags to links to that fansubbers home site
- add tabs to the sidebar and place nyaas ad banner in a tab
- add settings for filtering out anime by a min-max size
- when anime is from a fansubber who does only raw untranslated anime ensure the url uses &cats=1_11
- convert app to backbone.js + requie.js
- use handlebars for templating
- use lawnchair with the chrome-storage adapter to manage localstorage
- integrate myanimelist into the project