RemoteSensingToolbox is a pure Julia package built on top of Rasters.jl. It is intended to provide a collection of tools for visualizing, manipulating, and interpreting remotely sensed imagery.
Feature | Description | Implemented |
Visualization | Visualize images with various band composites | ✅ |
Land Cover Indices | Calculate indices such as MNDWI and NDVI | ✅ |
QA and SCL Decoding | Decode Quality Assurance and Scene Classification masks | ✅ |
Pixel Masking | Mask pixels to remove objects such as clouds or shadows | ✅ |
PCA | Perform PCA analysis, transformation, and reconstruction | ✅ |
MNF | Minimum Noise Fraction transformation and reconstruction | ❌ |
Signature Analysis | Visualize spectral signatures for provided land cover types | ✅ |
Land Cover Classification | Exposes an MLJ interface for classifying land cover types |
❌ |
Endmember Extraction | Extract spectral endmembers from an image | ❌ |
Spectral Unmixing | Perform spectral unmixing under a given endmember library | ❌ |
First, let's load some imagery to work with. We're using Landsat 8 imagery in this example, so we'll pass the Landsat8
type to read_bands
so it knows how to parse the relevant files from the provided directory. Landsat8
is an instance of AbstractBandset
, which is the supertype responsible for allowing many methods within RemoteSensingToolbox
to infer sensor-specific information by exploiting Julia's multiple dispatch system.
using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters
using Pipe: @pipe
landsat = read_bands(Landsat8, "LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1/")
Now let's visualize our data to see what we're working with. This is where the power of AbstractBandset
can first be demonstrated. To view a true colour composite of the data, we need to know the bands corresponding to red, green, and blue. However, it would be tedious to memorize and manually specify this information whenever we want to call a method which relies on a specific combination of bands. Fortunately, all AbstractBandset
types know this information implicitly, so all we need to do is pass in Landsat8
as a parameter to TrueColor
visualize(landsat, TrueColor{Landsat8}; upper=0.90)
You may have noticed that we provided an additional argument upper
to the visualize
method. This parameter controls the upper quantile to be used when performing histogram stretching to make the imagery interpretable to humans. This parameter is set to 0.98 by default, but because our scene contains a significant number of bright clouds, we need to lower it to prevent the image from appearing too dark. We can remove these clouds by first loading the Quality Assurance (QA) mask that came with our landsat product and then calling mask_pixels
qa = read_qa(Landsat8, "LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1/")
masked_landsat = @pipe mask_pixels(landsat, qa[:cloud]) |> mask_pixels(_, qa[:cloud_shadow])
visualize(masked_landsat, TrueColor{Landsat8})
Now let's try to visualize some other band combinations. The Agriculture
band comination is commonly used to distinguish regions with healthy vegetation, which appear as various shades of green.
visualize(landsat, Agriculture{Landsat8}; upper=0.90)
We can also convert Digital Numbers (DNs) to reflectance by calling dn_to_reflectance
and passing in the appropriate bandset.
landsat_sr = dn_to_reflectance(Landsat8, landsat)
We'll finish this example by demonstrating how to compute land cover indices with any AbstractBandset
type. The Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) is used to help distinguish water from land. Here, we visualize both the true color representation and the corresponding MNDWI index.
roi = @view landsat_sr[X(5800:6800), Y(2200:3200)]
true_color = visualize(roi, TrueColor{Landsat8}; upper=0.998)
index = mndwi(roi, Landsat8) |> visualize
mosaicview(true_color, index; npad=5, fillvalue=0.0, ncol=2)
For more examples, refer to the docs.